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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00

上海易达教育培训中心 Microsoft Excel专业课程培训






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详细介绍 *开班

【学校名称】上海易达教育 【交通线路】交通便利 【关 键 字】Excel专业课程, Excel应用基础, Excel入门辅导班



The training course is designed to give advanced users of Microsoft Excel an understanding of how to automate procedures using excel Macros and Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).This course concentrates on introductory programming topics and good programming practices, showing how these programming techniques can be used to model and manipulate date. Participants will be encouraged to write programs to meet their specific needs, as there is an increase in the need to analyze and develop ever more complex “what if” scenarios.

At Course Completion After completing this course, students will be able to: Record macros Write control structures Build procedures, which use variables Program components within Excel



1. Introduction to Excel Macros

1) What is a macro?

2) Record a macro

3) Urn a macro

4) Relative references

5) Assign a macro to a button on a worksheet

6) Assign a macro to a button on a toolbar

7) Button image editor

2. Editing Excel Macros

1) The Visual basic editor

2) The project explorer

3) The code window

4) Procedures

5) Insert comments

3. Introduction to VBA

1) Development environment

2) Menu and toolbars

4. Structure of Procedures

1) Call procedures

2) Organize procedures

5. Working with objects

1) Introduction to objects and collections

2) Control objects

3) Use the object browser

4) Use objects, properties and methods

6. VBA codes

1) If …Then …Else Select case

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