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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00

Microsoft Excel Advanced






课程详情 在线报名

【学校名称】 上海易达教育 【交通线路】 交通便利 【关 键 字】 Excel入门基础, Excel应用培训, Excel全能培训班



This advanced training course will give financial professionals the ability to manipulate data and to share workbooks in a team workgroup environment. Participants will learn how to audit data ,use the workgroup features ,Import and export data in different formats and create simple macros in Microsoft Excel .This course will introduce the advanced Excel techniques which participants can further utilize Excel’s powerful features to handle different financial statements.

At Course Completion After completing this course, students will be able to: Sort and filter financial figures Manage and audit spreadsheets Share accounting and financial statements with others Customize and automate Excel using macros and toolbars




1.     Organizing and Analyzing data

1)       Use subtotals

2)       Define and apply advanced filters

3)       Group and outline data

4)       Use data validation

5)       Create and modify list ranges

6)       Using scenarios

7)       Perform data analysis using automated tools

8)       Create PivotTable and PivotChart reports

9)       Use lookup and Reference functions

10)   Use database functions

11)   Trace formula precedents, dependents and errors

12)   Watch and evaluate formulas

13)   Using named ranges

14)   Structure work books using  XML

2.     Formatting  Data and Content

1)       Create and Apply custom data formats

2)       Use conditional formatting

3)       Format and resize graphics

4)       Format charts and diagrams

3.     Collaborating

1)       Protect cells, worksheets, and workbooks

2)       Apply workbook security settings

3)       Share workbooks

4)       Merge workbooks

5)       Track, accept ,and reject changes to workbooks

4.     Managing Data and Workbooks

1)       Import data to Excel

2)       Export data from Excel

3)       Publish and edit Web worksheets and workbooks

4)       Create and edit templates

5)       Consolidate data

6)       Define and modify workbook properties

7)       Customizing Excel

8)       Customize toolbars and menus

9)       Create, edit ,and run macros Modify Excel default settings

更多Microsoft Excel Advanced


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