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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00

 When you go from one task to the next--all day long--your mind constantly races to catch up.

Problem #1: Inability to Focus
The average office worker changes windows [on her computer] 37 times an hour.When your mind changes gears that rapidly, part of your brain is still engaged in the previous task and you don’t have all of the attention and resources necessary to concentrate on the current task. This slows down productivity and reduces your ability to filter relevant information from irrelevant information.
Problem #2: Stress
When people get stressed, there is a part of the brain called the amygdala that fires up the “fight or flight” part of the nervous system that helps you make quick, impulsive decisions.The problem arises when there is no immediate physical danger--when, say, you’ve forgotten to hit “save” on an important document and your computer crashes, or you arrive unprepared for an important business meeting. The “fight or flight” impulse is not actually helpful in those situations and merely puts undue stress on the body.
The Solution
Refreshing your brain is easier than you think. Here's the first and only step: Do nothing.Simply setting aside 10 minutes each day to quiet your mind. Practice observing anxieties without passing judgment--simply experience them. Focus on the present moment and nothing else.
We can’t change every little thing that happens to us,but we can change how we experience it.
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