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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00


发布时间:2016-09-14 14:14



【个人宣言】:The best or nothing

【个人背景】:悉尼大学教育学和翻译口译双硕士。 澳大利亚三级翻译, 多年海外工作经历,曾在悉尼CHINA DAILY 工作,在悉尼法庭担任法庭传译工作。获得雅思听力满分, 多年雅思托福口语听力教学经验,熟悉西方人的逻辑思维与交流手法,深谙出国外考试的命题思路及规律,洞悉中国学生英语学习的弱势和困难,多次带出雅思托福高分学员。

Graduating in Sydney University and double-master Degree, major in Education, translation and interpreting, Passed The National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters in Australia. Worked in China Daily Sydney, and also was an interpreter in Sydney Court in Australia.  Scored 9 (full mark) in the listening part, had loads of experiences in IELTS and TOEFL listening and speaking teaching, familiar with western thinking and communication way. And good at improve students’ weakness and difficulties. Her students achieved high marks in listening and speaking of TOEFL test and IETLS test.