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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00

随着社会的发展,不管是在职场中,还是定居国外,英语的份量是越来越重要了。今天就我的经验来给大家说说如何学好金融英语,Learning summary(学习心得)关于金融英语,我想学金融,英语不怎样,可以吗?,英语极差,没有金融基础,怎样学好cfa,用不用报培训班?,金融专业除了英语学好,需要学一点其他的吗?比如日语或者法语???。

1.Learning summary(学习心得)关于金融英语

Learning summaryIn the new semester of 2021, I came to the new classroom with great and urgency to learn a new elective course called Financial English.I took this course with great love for English.Beautiful Teacher she is an elite student who teaches us this course.She is and earnest in class, and we are with it.Teacher often stretches her and teaches us to remember words, which I think is a good way.Miss He also often talked about her abroad, which enriched our knowledge and broadened our horizons.In this course, we have learned a lot of special terms for financial business, which cover five major aspects, including: money and economy, China's banking industry, financial and foreign exchange , insurance, and financial order to learn and explain , teacher always focuses on teaching and sharing.Each chapter in the Financial English book sets out its learning and key points.The text of each finance major noun is concise and clear, which is in line with the current learning.A close look at this section of the book has notes, direct and clear help us the text and memory Financial English class, the teacher also played some famous events in the financial world to help us learn financial English class, the teacher also showed the latest financial , industry dynamics and industry events.Let us have an insight into the frontier and trend of the financial industry.From school to college, the ways to learn English are always the same: listening, speaking, reading and the financial English class, the teacher often asks the students to stand up and read the text sentences.Side stroke.This has improved our ability to speak English.As A Chinese, we also learn English for the purpose of it to people who cannot speak English. In order to help us better financial , the teacher teaches us in class.Every text in class is sentence by sentence.Also sometimes draw students, let their play the text.We are engaged in learning financial English both and .To touch the , the teacher's teaching is very , very with the of our students.Ask me in the financial English English class to learn what?The answer is clear: this is not a simple English class, but an English class for finance majors.Needless to say, I learned financial English .Further, my English has increased and my reading ability has improved.There is no doubt that learning Financial English will make my financial knowledge more , and global.Our major direction is and futures, which in the West. The in the English textbook for financial majors enables me to have a clearer of the and future trend of this industry.The study in the is to learn with a purpose, what kind of person you want to be in the future, you should work hard in the ., the financial English teacher not only taught me knowledge, but also taught me some life lessons .At the end of the group , the teacher summed up her own to tell us to be confident.The success of a or speech depends on your and calmness on the stage.We should still have in our life so that we can walk more in the future.







如何学好金融英语,Learning summary(学习心得)关于金融英语,我想学金融,英语不怎样,可以吗?,英语极差,没有金融基础,怎样学好cfa,用不用报培训班?,金融专业除了英语学好,需要学一点其他的吗?比如日语或者法语???以上就是我今天的分享啦,感谢阅读。

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