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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00

  虽然手机和网络将人与人的距离拉得无限近,但关机(power off)、断网(Internet disconnection)或是离线(AFK:away from the keyboard)等“天灾人祸”还是难以避免。因此,帮人传话、带信儿就发挥着至关重要的作用。可是这些英文表达小伙伴们都熟悉吗?今天安迪英语Cherry老师带大家一起玩转电话用语吧!

  1. 怎么自报家门和来意

  Ø 第一句相互介绍时,不用I和You,得用this 和that,如:

  This is Jane. 我是Jane。

  This is Jane speaking. Is that Mary? 你是Mary吗?

  Ø 在表达自己的来意时,越委婉越得体。

  Could (May) I talk/speak to Mary? 我能找下Marry吗?

  Could you put Lily on the phone? 能麻烦让Lily接电话吗?

  Could you put me through to Lee? 能帮我接通Lee吗?

  重庆成人如何提高英语口语-How to take a message


  2. 怎样回应

  Ø 如果运气好

  This is Mary here. What can I do for you? 我就是Marry,有什么可以为您效劳的吗?

  这说法礼貌得体,但略显生疏。如果是老朋友的话,自然一句what’s wrong/what’s up更合适啦.

  Ø 如果运气不好

  I’m sorry. Marry is not here right now. This is Jack, her colleague.


  当然,也可以主动提出:Could you take a message?

  3. 怎样询问要找的人的去向

  Ø 去哪儿了

  Do you happen to know where she went? 您知道Mary去哪儿了吗?

  I was wondering if you know where Mary went.

  Ø 何时回

  Do you happen to know when she will come back? 您知道Mary何时回来吗?

  May I know when she will be back?

  4. 带口信

  Ø 请求带口信

  Could you take a message for me? 能帮我带个口信吗?

  Ø 口信内容

  Please tell her there is a party / meeting tonight at 8 o’clock at room 701 of Xinke building.

  Please tell her to come to my party / the meeting tonight at 8 o’clock at my office.



  重庆成人如何提高英语口语-How to take a message

  Ø 其他要求


  Please tell her it’s a formal occasion. It’s better to dress in code.


  Please tell her to dress in costume. It’s a horror/romance/magic theme fancy ball.


  Please tell her to prepare a report/presentation of the sales/overall condition of the

  company/this month. 请告诉她准备一个关于本月销售情况的报告/公司情况的介绍。

  Ø 万全对策


  Please tell her to call me back/ return my phone call.


  5. 怎样转达信息

  Marry. You had a phone call while you were away. 你不在的时候有人给你来电了。

  Jane told you to come to her party / the meeting tonight at 8 o’clock at Xinke building.


  Marry, Jane told you to call her back. Jane让你给她回电话。


  Did she mention the time/address/occasion? 她有提到时间/地点/场合吗?

  Did she leave a number and other information? 她有留下号码或其他信息吗?


  1. 给别人带信时最好take a note, 要是忘记或是记错什么重要的信息就不妙了哦。

  2. 作为说英语的文化人,大家一定要please/sorry/thank you/May I/could you不离口哦!


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