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一直在与时俱进的雅思口语考试给广大烤鸭们带来了更多的压力和挑战,比如说家族生意、重要的科技、一件艺术品等等,这些话题足以让很多烤鸭们望而生畏,不知所措,因为没有充分的准备和语言功底,我们似乎没有办法在一分钟内勾画出很好的表达思路,甚至观点都无法确定。但是这些话题,对于没有准备的学生在考场中就真的无计可施、举手投降吗?笔者在实际的课堂一直在给我的学生们灌输的思想就是有足够强的勇气,足够灵活的思维去引申到自己能够说的方向。大多数雅思口语中出现的新话题,看起来是崭新的,没有见过的,但是其实都是与雅思口语题库中的部分老话题是有千丝万缕的联系的。纵览雅思口语题库中的老话题,关于童年的话题真是不少,甚至是占得很重要的地位,比如说童年玩具、童年歌曲、童年旅行等。针对新话题A family business, 笔者认为我们可以大胆地引申到接下来我要分析说明的话题A Game you used to play in your childhood不如说你家开着一个A small amusement park for kids等等。


那回到重点话题来,要如何描述这个游戏呢?首先我们要先确定我们的想法即主题,千万不要小看这一步,因为你的主题决定了你的描述方向,决定了话题的难易度。很多烤鸭们当下的反应可能是非常受孩子们欢迎的丢手绢drop the handkerchief, 或者是hide-and-seek捉迷藏等,其实我个人并不倾向于这两个游戏。因为一方面细节很难描述,很多学生对于游戏环节描述根本无从下手或者过于简单没有办法争夺考官的青睐,另外一方面游戏给孩子们带来的意义难以创新或者展开。在这里我给大家想一个游戏


The eagle catches the chickens





A Game you used to play in your childhood

You should say:

What the game was

When, where and with whom you usually played it

How you played it

And explain what was special about this game



As a naughty and an active kid, I used to be fascinated by many intriguing outdoor games in my childhood so that I almost gathered my little friends round the lawn out of the classroom after school every day. The most unforgettable one that was considered to be a big part of my entertainment should be the game called the eagle catches the chickens. It is commonly welcomed and I believe you have heard of it.



Due to my enthusiasm and good leadership, I was often selected to be the organizer who was responsible to divide my classmates into groups in accordance with its principle. I mean one acted as the eagle, one the hen, and the rest the chickens. The hen and chickens stood in a line with the hen in the very front spreading both arms to protect the chickens and each one clasping the clothes tail of one right in front of it. The eagle sought every opportunity to catch the chickens. Once one chicken was caught, it should exchange the role with the eagle.



What was the most exciting to me was the moment when each chicken clasped the clothes tightly and converged closely into a unit dealing with the threat of the eagle. Although sometimes we may fall down or get caught by the eagle, the spirit of teamwork that was deprived from this game made us more connected with each other working on the same target. We shared our victory and failure together. It also made us learn what the responsibility and care for your partners are.

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