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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00





很多学生以为我只要keep talking,即使考官让我停,我也要坚持说,一直不停地把考官说晕就会很好了。曾经有个学生确实这样试过,但是结果呢只能说这位学生很伟大的做了“烈士”,以身试法,希望广大考生能引以为戒,不要赴他后尘。


那么连贯性是什么?为什么在考试中这么重要?首先,连贯性的本质就是逻辑。考试不但要求考生要口若悬河,而且要有逻辑地罗列自己的观点。如果只是天马行空的胡乱讲一通,考官会很生气,后果很严重。曾经也有学生就是思维混乱型的,Part 2music都能和alien扯上关系,分数肯定是惨不忍睹。


我们怎么在考试中做到coherent呢?接下来朗阁名师教你怎么在part 1part 2part 3中展现coherence.


为了展示学生的连贯性,最基本的要求就是要多说一些观点或者相关的例证。永远都记得要扩展答案。那么我们用来extend or develop our answer的最好办法就是:第一,举例;第二,复述(eg. paraphrase, or in other words。但是在做到这一步的同时,必须要加连接词,比如:firstlysecondlyfinallyin additionwhat’s moreespeciallyparticularlyhowever等等,相信各位烤鸭都能耳熟能详了,此处不再赘述。但重要的是把它们真正的用到speech当中去。


part 1中,问题都很简单,那么我们就可以采取第二个方法,复述一下考官的问题,然后拓展。但是此处要注意的是,用不同的表达方式和不同的词汇去复述来展示语言的丰富。比如:Which one do you prefer, the advertisement on TV or magazine? 学生在回答中可以重述问题,但记得把prefer替换掉,然后再做拓展。比如,你可以这样回答:Personally, I would have to say I’m more fond of the ads from magazines. This is mainly because I enjoy reading and the pictures of the staff people adverting on magazines are always full of imagination. In this way, readers are given the space to think. Whereas the ads from TV are always straightforward.此处黑体字都是各种连接词。请大家仔细体会一下。另外还请大家务必注意考官问题所用的时态,比如经常学生会出错的一个题目:Would you like to move to another place to live in the future? 请广大考生注意,这里只是一个对未来的预测,如果你不是特别肯定,请你用would,和考官的时态最起码一致。相同的还有问题中的过去式、已经过去完成式等等,在此coherence的要求就是一致性


part 2中学生根据连贯性可以创造出自己的模版了。我们通过观察part 2的问题就可以发现,前三道都是问的客观的whatwhowhenwhere等等,但最后一个问题大部分情况都是why。那么学生在陈述原因的时候就自然而然的可以用到连接词比如firstnextthen等,当然这是最低级的连接词了。学生可以自己试着把连接词扩展成连接句,这样一来强调连接词,二来可以消磨时间。比如:Personally, I’m totally into … and I have a couple of reasons to name. The chief one behind this is that … in addition to what I’ve just mentioned, another point I should make here is that … 这里只是给大家一个例子。另外这样做的好处就是,我们已经告诉考官了我们有两个原因,即使时间到时候到了没说完也没有关系的,因为是时间的问题,而不是你的问题。所以连接词的作用就是让考官有所期待,而且能够get到你的points


part 3是最能体现考生coherence的部分了。因为大部分问题都是从大范围问起的,而且比较有深度。那么答好part 3的两大法宝就是:for exampleit depends学生在回答问题的时候,最好做一下概括性的阐述,然后分论点讨论。下面以例子来说明。比如:What’s the difference between politeness and kindness? 这道题是秒杀无数考生的一道题,因为这道题很抽象。如果学生也是从抽象的角度来回答的话,那么就等于自己挖坑自己跳。那么在这里学生可以举例,用实在的例子来阐述抽象的概念。比如:In my opinion, there are a number of differences between those two concepts. But I think the main one is that politeness is a kind of manner that people sometimes have to show when they are put in a certain circumstance, while kindness represents people’s willingness. For example, saying hello and goodbye is thought to be polite, but donating something to the poor is considered to be kind rather than polite. 另外,part 3的很多问题都可以用it depends来展开讨论,尤其是答案是YES或者NO的问题。比如:Do Chinese people like to travel? 回答例句:Well, it’s hard to give a definite answer here. It depends on different individuals. Some people are crazy about exploring and experiencing the world by taking trips all over the world, but on the contrary, there are also some other people who tend to use the internet to get to know places rather than travel.



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