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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00




  Is it beneficial for students to have computers?

  Describe an important poem or letter or story your have written.

  Describe a difficulty you met, Explain how you overcame it.

  People should always remain honest. Do you agree or disagree?

  The government should not rebuild the city. Do you agree or disagree?

  It is good for first year students to live in the same dorms with senior students. Agree or disagree?






  2、In the future,people will read fewer books,agree or disagree?

  3、学校要建新的art building,可以have larger classroom,还有high tech machine,女生喜欢。因为classroom小学生想上课但是上不去,她说自己想去Chinese art class,可是班级小只能去15个人,所以她没进去。然后第二是她没有high tech machine的时候painting 跟石膏都很blur,看不清楚details,可是一束的excellence主要在details上。


  5、女的有问题,她要参加summer courses但是没钱。一去图书馆做临时工,二早宿舍自己做饭,比食堂的省钱,虽然样式没那么多。

  6、Old people相关。要打猎,要吃肉,后来就开始圈养。有两好处。一是随时随地可以吃肉,例子goat,圈养起来就可以available have meat。二是拿到其它的product,举例goat,可以弄到milk,然后做成酸奶和cheese,并且可以储存起来留着以后吃。




  3、关于医安排假期intern-ship的通知,女的觉得it’s great news,(1)可以让学生知道自己毕业是有有办法handle;(2)学校课业很重,每天都独到很晚,三个月实习不用每天focus在学校课业。


  5、男孩子牙痛。解决1:明天去看医生,但他有一门课好差,已经约了人去复习,time conflicts。解决2:那医院的人说紧急的话,可以去另一间30分钟车程的牙医诊所,他不知道路,不知道怎么解决。

  6、讲了2种处理工厂放出来的 carbon dioxide的方式。让你复述。也不难,一种是in factory,讲了一个process,一种是out of factory,就是在厂子周围多种树。


  1、 Do you agree or disagree the university's decision to allow food during the class.

  2、Someone likes to collect old things, someone throw things away after they used it. What’s your preference?

  3、学校有一个通知,提供大四记者专业的学生到真正的报社实习,可以抵一个大肆的课程。女生统一,自己也想去,因为可以写文章,和real editor一起工作,还可以不用去上课。

  The university is offering new internship opportunity to journalism student.

  And the woman thinks it is great.

  First, student will gain professional skills through this experience, and also this experience looks good on resume.

  Second, final course doesn't have regular schedule for student to attend.


  Planning fallacy. Fail to consider all the possible factors that affect the project and lead to the inaccuracy in estimate the time that cost to complete then lead to bad consequences.

  5、The man can't find his camera before his trip to Spain. He can either buy a new one(但是钱不够), or borrow one from his friend Jake(不想这样,女生说万一broken或者stolen就不好了)。

  6、两个动物为什么可以在激流中保持不动。Mechanism that animal use to survive from water current. One is attainment, black fly larva. 因为有hand&hook,所以可以touch the bottom of river. The second is splince (音译),因为有thick body, sculpin.




  3、是讲一个学校推出了一个新的announcement给freshman, Biology department. 说学生一起学习(group study)可以best know the equipment and improve academic study, and in addition, can meet and make new friends. However, in the conversation, the girl said the study group sort of thing doesn’t help. Because people have their own way to study, expect those who don’t know how to study. So she prefers to work alone. The second point is that she thinks that if people in the same department, they will have class together, so they eventually will meet each other. So you don’t really need to go to the study group.

  4、讲的是货币的形式,说的是1,货币是coin and paper bonds。例子是如果你坐出租车,你付给driver的是钱。还有一种方式是以物易物,说一个农夫坐出租车,他可以给机他的农产品,如果司机同意了,那这个时候农产品就是钱。但是,规定了我们现在使用第一种方式。

  5、首先,一个男人说, he works in the bookstore in college. His job is to carry heavy box which contains books. However, last week he went to help his friend to move to the new apartment. He injured himself. Doctor said that he can’t carry heavy things for a month. So he went back to talk to his boss, his boss offered him a job to be a cashier in bookstore, however, the schedule for cashier only opens in the morning. He has a physic group study at that time. The physic group is important to him coz he improved grade OOXX. So he went to find a dish washer job in cafeteria which fits his schedule. However, if he takes the job in cafeteria, he won’t have the discount to buy books in bookstore, which saved him a lot every semester….所以最后他还是没结论。。。

  6、讲的是solidarity的问题,说这个社会有2个方式,一个是所有人都一起工作,所以share the same experience, challenge OOXX。举了个例子是famer 说他们一起工作OOXX然后另一个方式是 each individuals in the society depends on each other 举了个例子是说在town里有老师。各种各样的工作,这些人都是一起工作,大家depends on each other。


  1、怎么improve 的education system 给出你们用的方式解释。

  2、listening the audio书和read book 你喜欢那个。

  3、share dorm 是否要分享宿舍并选舍友在第二年以后,女的反对

  4、information bias: When people make decisions, they always think they need more information than they really do. For example, the professor's friend wanted to hire an assistant a few years ago, they found a great candidate at the beginning, he thought he was so experienced. However, he also interviewed some other people after that, when he called the first candidate, he already had another job, and so the professor's friend could not hire that person .








  5、女生要出去度假一周,但是pet bird没法喂。1、委托朋友喂,但是朋友忙,住的离她的宿舍远2、送到一个专门寄养动物的地方,缺点是贵

  6、讲类似加盟店之类的,说有两个draw backs,第一个是总公司让各个分店没有创新的空间,

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