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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00







Life need to target, a goal to struggle, struggle to have . To enrich must be confident. Life is not plain sailing, no wave thing, it's a tough and twists and turns, full of challenge, full of journey. When a new day comes again, if you put yourself in the busy frame? When the sun rises, do you believe that grasp every sunshine? A goal is a confident people, on the jump can still feel the warmth of the sun, can still smell out life colorful aura, because only to the life .


How many times have you hesitated or kept quiet when you knew the answer to a question? Then how did it feel when somebody else answered with the right answer and received praise? 有多少次当你知道一个问题的答案时,你却选择犹豫或者保持沉默?当别人回答正确并收到赞扬时你又是什么感受呢? It's not unusual for teens to avoid answering questions in front of others because they're too shy or too afraid of being wrong.Sometimes a lack of self- stems merely from a lack of . You may not feel so confident about answering questions out loud or acting in a stage play if you've never done it before. These feelings will change as you grow and more things in your life. 这种现象在青少年中较为常见,因为他们太害羞或害怕犯错。有时缺乏自信仅仅因为缺乏经验。如果你从来没有做过类似的事,就会在在大声回答问题或上台表演时感到不够自信。随着你成长并在生活中经历更多的事情,这些感觉将会改变。




It is common knowledge that opens the gate to the success.However, is not within easy reach.We should make every effort to make us self-.How can we build up in our heart?Firstly,we should learn to speak up when we want to.Telling others what we really thinks instead of hiding our feeling back is perhaps one of the most wonderful thins.Secondly,setting our targets is also important.because when we aim our energy on a certain goal,we can be more efficient,thus, we can make continual progress to satisfy ourselves.Lastly,we should learn to encourage ourselves rather than ourselves.Only when we realize that lies in our heart will we gain our .In all,where our heart built,where our located.


先准备一定要充分 这样你的自信心自然句提高了 还要有良好的心理准备 预先演练是必不可少的 其实这也是准备 再一个就是赛前对自己的鼓励很重要 那样可以让你的信心更好点总而言之 准备好 你就是最棒的 祝你成功!!!


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