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Probably the best way for English-language learners to develop the skills being measured on the TOEFL iBT test is to study in an English program that focuses on

•  communication using all four skills, especially speaking

•  integrated skills (e.g., reading/listening/speaking, reading/listening/w ruing)


The following tips have been created by ETS, and are written for students (although teachers will also find them useful).


A. Reading Tips


The best way to improve reading skills is to read frequently and to read many different types of texts in various subject areas (sciences, social sciences, arts, business, etc.)- The Internet is one of the best resources for this, but books, magazines, and journals are very helpful as well. It is best to progress to reading texts that are more academic in style, the kind that would be found in university courses.


Here are some suggestions for ways to build skills for the three reading purposes included in TOEFL iBT.


1. Reading to find information

•  Scan the passages to find and highlight key facts (dates, numbers, terms) and information.

   Practice this frequently to increase reading rate and fluency.


2. Reading for basic comprehension

•  Increase vocabulary knowledge, perhaps by using flashcards.

•  Rather than carefully reading each word and each sentence, practice skimming a passage quickly to get a general impression of the main idea.

•  Build up the ability to skim quickly and to identify the major points.

•  After skimming a passage, read it again more carefully and write down the main idea, major points, and important facts.

•  Choose some unfamiliar words in the passage and guess the meaning from the context (surrounding sentences).

•  Select all the pronouns (he, him, they, them, etc.) in a passage and identify which nouns they refer to in the passage.

•  Practice making inferences and drawing conclusions based on what is implied in the passage as a whole.


3.  Reading to learn

  Identify the passage type (e.g., classification, cause-and-effect, compare-and-contrast, problem-and-solution, description, narration, etc.)

•  Do the following to organize the information in the passage:

•  Create an outline of the passage to distinguish between major and minor points.

  If the passage describes the order of a process or is a narration, create an outline of the steps in the process or narration.

•  If the passage categorizes information, create a chart and place the information in appro­priate categories. Note: In the TOEFL iBT test, test takers do not have to create such a chart. Instead, a chart with possible answer choices is provided for them, and they are required to fill in the chart with the correct choices. Practicing this skill will help test takers think about categorizing information, and be able to do so with ease.

•  Create a written or oral summary of the passages using these charts and outlines. Note: This is not measured in the Reading section, but practicing summarizing skills is useful for the inte­grated task in the Writing and Speaking sections.

•  Paraphrase individual sentences in a passage, and then progress to paraphrasing an entire para­graph. Note: The Reading section measures the ability to recognize paraphrases. The ability to paraphrase is also important for the integrated tasks in the Writing and Speaking sections of the test.


B. Listening Tips


The best way to improve listening skills is to listen frequently lo many different types of material in various subject areas (sciences, social sciences, arts, business, etc.). Of course, watching movies and TV and listening to radio is an excellent way to practice listening. Audio tapes and CDs of talks are available in libraries and bookstores; those with transcripts of the listening material are particularly helpful. The Internet is also a great resource for listening material, including these valuable sites:


•  www.npr.org—The National Public Radio site provides a searchable archive section where any topic can be searched. Transcripts of the material can be purchased on the site.

•  www.bbc.co.uk/radio and www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish These two Web sites of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) provide many options for streaming audio. Transcripts of the material are also available on these sites.


Here are some suggestions for ways to strengthen skills for the three listening purposes included in the TOEFL iBT test.


C. Speaking Tips


The best way to practice speaking is with native speakers of English. For those who are living in English-speaking countries, it is sometimes difficult to make the effort to meet people who speak English. One way of meeting people is to become involved in student organizations and clubs. For students who are serious about improving their speaking skills and overall communication skills, this kind of involvement is very important.

For those who are not living in an English-speaking country, finding native speakers of English to speak with can be quite challenging. In some countries, there are English-speaking tutors or assistants who help students with their conversation skills. It is critical to speak as often as possible with them, and ask if classroom assistants offer private tutoring. Another way students can practice speaking is to join a club (hat involves speaking in English about movies, music, travel, etc. If no such clubs exist, students can start their own clubs and invite any native speakers they know to join.

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