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摘要:朗阁 雅思 | 托福 | SAT,凭借鲜明的特色在行业中独领风骚:25人小班授课、中外专家联合执教、双保分承诺、个性化学习方案设计等。中心学员雅思总分6分通过率96.72%,7分达标率88.87%,在行业内遥遥领先。朗阁雅思,冲击雅思高分的首选品牌!来朗阁,朗阁全城独家双保分计划!


Probably the best way for English-language learners to develop the skills being measured on the TOEFL iBT test is to study in an English program that focuses on
•  communication using all four skills, especially speaking
•  integrated skills (e.g., reading/listening/speaking, reading/listening/w ruing)
The following tips have been created by ETS, and are written for students (although teachers will also find them useful).
A. Reading Tips
The best way to improve reading skills is to read frequently and to read many different types of texts in various subject areas (sciences, social sciences, arts, business, etc.)- The Internet is one of the best resources for this, but books, magazines, and journals are very helpful as well. It is best to progress to reading texts that are more academic in style, the kind that would be found in university courses.
Here are some suggestions for ways to build skills for the three reading purposes included in TOEFL iBT.
1. Reading to find information
•  Scan the passages to find and highlight key facts (dates, numbers, terms) and information.
•   Practice this frequently to increase reading rate and fluency.
2. Reading for basic comprehension
•  Increase vocabulary knowledge, perhaps by using flashcards.
•  Rather than carefully reading each word and each sentence, practice skimming a passage quickly to get a general impression of the main idea.
•  Build up the ability to skim quickly and to identify the major points.
•  After skimming a passage, read it again more carefully and write down the main idea, major points, and important facts.
•  Choose some unfamiliar words in the passage and guess the meaning from the context (surrounding sentences).
•  Select all the pronouns (he, him, they, them, etc.) in a passage and identify which nouns they refer to in the passage.
•  Practice making inferences and drawing conclusions based on what is implied in the passage as a whole.
3.  Reading to learn
  Identify the passage type (e.g., classification, cause-and-effect, compare-and-contrast, problem-and-solution, description, narration, etc.)
•  Do the following to organize the information in the passage:
•  Create an outline of the passage to distinguish between major and minor points.
  If the passage describes the order of a process or is a narration, create an outline of the steps in the process or narration.
•  If the passage categorizes information, create a chart and place the information in appro­priate categories. Note: In the TOEFL iBT test, test takers do not have to create such a chart. Instead, a chart with possible answer choices is provided for them, and they are required to fill in the chart with the correct choices. Practicing this skill will help test takers think about categorizing information, and be able to do so with ease.
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