全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00

随着国际禁令解封,现在很多人都在为出国留学做打算,但出国留学外语是必备的,今天就随小编来了解一下雅思口语part2问几道题,还有这些2021年1-4月雅思口语Part2新题及参考答案:对家庭重要的东西,2021年1-4月雅思口语Part2新题及参考答案:穿奇装异服的人,如何准备雅思口语part2,求雅思口语part2话题卡。,雅思口语part 2串题思维:万能故事线,雅思口语part2必须说够两分钟吗?part1一般问多少个问题??? 也是大家所关心的


1月、5月、9月是每年雅思口语的换题季,每次换题大概会有40%左右的新题出现。进入1月份,根据同学们的回忆,陆续开始爆出很多雅思口语新题。因此,这里给大家整理了1月新题解析:对家庭重要的东西,给近期备考的烤鸭们参考使用~对家庭重要的东西题目:Describe something important that has been kept in your family for a long timeYou should say: What it is When your family had it How your family got it And explain why it is important for your 3 What things do families keep for a long time? What's the between things valued by people in the past and today? What kinds of things are kept in museums? What's the influence of on museums?参考范文:I would like to talk about a set of coins that my family has kept for a long time. It was passed by my great . So, our family has actually preserved it for nearly a century.It has four coins, all of which are from the early Republic of China period. Each of the coins was carved with an icon of Yuan Shikai who was a warlord and the president in the year 1914. There’s also an history about him. You know, he was the only president and emperor the history of China, though his 83-day imperial status was not .Honestly, my was born in an affluent family. So, he has inherited a lot of them from his father. However, we actually didn’t care much about the coins until one day our family felt that those coins were getting more and more scarce. And, my father even bought another one from the market to pair the other three coins.We think it's crucial for our family because this set of antiques carries that special piece of history. Surely, we don’t expect to have another emperor and president in China again because that will be terrible if we have. Also, those coins have greatly in the past decades, and our family has regarded them as part of our important assets.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------好了,以上就是本季口语新题解析:对家庭重要的东西,希望对同学们有所参考。如需要2021年1-4月新题完整版内容(带小问题和参考范文)的同学,请参考以下文章请叫我二大王:更新! 2021年1-4月雅思口语新题题库第三弹 (含参考答案哦~)


1月、5月、9月是每年雅思口语的换题季,每次换题大概会有40%左右的新题出现。进入1月份,根据同学们的回忆,陆续开始爆出很多雅思口语新题。因此,这里给大家整理了1月新题解析:穿奇装异服的人,给近期备考的烤鸭们参考使用~穿奇装异服的人题目:Describe a person who you think wears unusual clothes.You should say: Who this person is How you knew this person What his/her clothes are like And explain why you think his/her clothes are Do you think what people wear can influence their mood? Do you think it is a good idea to buy clothes online? What kind of clothes do people wear in the workplace? What are the between clothes worn by old people and those by young people? Are there any on men and women’s about clothes?参考范文:A person who I think wears unusual clothes is my brother-in-law who is two years younger than me.My brother is now a third-year senior high school student. His biggest goal is to go to the UK to further his studies in Fine Arts or Fashion Design. I knew my brother since childhood. You know, he’s been about arts for many years. I grew up watching his paintings. I should say, he has indeed got a talent in this field. But, it was during recent years that I began to realize that he picked up the habit of dressing up himself. He has a myriad of clothes which are of different kinds. Each of them has a unique design. For example, I remember there is one shirt that looks like what typical white collars wear as a whole. However, the cuffs of the shirt are garnished with ribbons and stars. When he wears it, it really looks like he was in a catwalk show. You know, those clothes are hardly worn by average people on the street or in their workplace. They were even hardly seen in a fashion show as he often did some tailoring after he bought them home. So, that’s probably the main reason why I think they are quite unusual. But, anyway, I always gave him my by his designs even though not all of them were to my taste.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------好了,以上就是本季口语新题解析:穿奇装异服的人,希望对同学们有所参考。如需要2021年1-4月新题完整版内容(带小问题和参考范文)的同学,请参考以下文章请叫我二大王:更新! 2021年1-4月雅思口语新题题库第三弹 (含参考答案哦~)


刚拿到雅思成绩,口语有7.5,个人感觉还不错,分享下关于part 2的经验考前如果可以通过一些方法,例如在考场蹲题,知道part 2的一些内容,拿在考前有目的性的准备一下相关内容的资料。备考的时候,可以买一些书籍,专门看口语part 2的问答,先看题目,然后自己说一遍,然后再看参考答案。看答案看的不是具体的用词或语法,而是看看别的答题的一些思路和逻辑性。因为这类题没有标准答案的,自圆其说不离题就好。


  雅思口语part2话题卡中有部分话题难度较大,虽然这些话题需要不少专业词汇,但考生也可以做出相应的准备。以下给考生们准备了一些较难的雅思口语part2话题卡,以及相应的参考答案,如果考生不能记住全文,请记住每一题的回答思路。  雅思口语part2话题卡1.拿到卡片后,首先仔细审题,快速浏览卡片上的内容并迅速准确地判断话题内容。  注意:游览卡片内容要既准确又迅速,一定不要误解标题和小标题上的任何内容,否则会造成谈话跑题而丢分。比如卡片上要求考生“talk about a Chinese festival”,如果考生讲的是“National Day”就不会得到任何分数,因为“National Day”是个现代节日,而不是“ festival”这就象写作考试中作文写跑题一样。  雅思口语part2话题卡2.第二步应该是根据对卡片内容的理解迅速决定要讲的内容  这个过程一般不应超过15秒钟很多考生因为这一环节耗费了太多时间而陷入困境,比如考生得到的卡片上要求考生讲一部自己最喜欢的电影,如果该考生花了30秒甚至更长的时间才最终想好要讲哪一部电影,接下来组织思路和记笔记的时间就会相当紧张,在余下的20-30秒中,考生很难有充足的时间从容地整理思路,当考官打断考生的思考,要求你开始讲话时,结果可想而知!  雅思口语part2话题卡3.第三步理所当然应该是记笔记了。  不言而喻,这个过程依然要求速度一分钟时间稍纵即逝。记笔记时应注意以下几点:  ①不要试图写完整的句子甚至短语,一般来说一分钟之内考生无法写出三个以上的完整英文句子,这是一种浪费时间。考生需要做的只是迅速记录下自己大脑中闪现的ideas,记录的方式可以多种多样,考生可以写英文缩写,如用Am代替America(n)也可以自己设计一套只有自己能读懂的缩写代码,如用b+f代替beautiful,还可以用考生自己最熟悉的汉字,如“丽”代表beautiful,甚至可以简单地用草图来表示等等。总之,记笔记的方式多种多样,总的原则就是怎么快怎么来,怎么方便怎么来。  ②没有必要抛开原卡片上的提纲而另起炉灶,在白纸上重新起草一个新的提纲,这也是一种得不偿失的做法。因为考生只有一分钟的时间整理思路,这和写作文完全不同。最有效的手段应该是把笔记完全建立在卡片提纲的基础上,在一分钟之内尽量把卡片上的4点提纲扩充在白纸上。实践证明,这种方法是行之有效的也是一分钟之内完全可以做到的。试想,如果考生只有4点提纲那么每一点要讲到15秒以上才能讲到一分钟,但如果考生有多达8点甚至更多的提纲,每一点只须讲到8秒钟就可以达到目的,而且考生们的讲话会显得很有逻辑。

5.雅思口语part 2串题思维:万能故事线

掌握part2的串题思维,能帮助考生在最短时间内浓缩记忆更多的素材内容。串题方法如下,万能故事线:简单来说,就是我们描述事情最好能有铺垫和故事高潮,以及最后的感受。这样的故事更符合大众的口味,即是大部分小说或影视剧都会采用的叙事方式。我们将此用于part2的叙述中。中文理解如下,举例:描述一次你给别人提建议的经历/描述一次你叫别人技能的经历请按照以下思路来组织自己的故事线:以前的想法---现在的想法(有反转)---过程---结尾感受之前的想法:在这个故事之前,我从来没有给谁提过什么重要意见。包括我自己也没怎么采取过别人的建议,因为我认为人需要靠自己来解决问题。现在的想法(反转):然而,事情不是我想的这样。有一天,我的朋友发信息来询问我关于第二天她参加一个工作面试的事。过程:朋友:她很紧张,不知道应该如何表现,因为没有任何面试经验。我给建议:1.穿衣得体,比如休闲西装;2.准备一个简短的中英文自我介绍,毕竟是外企面试。3.等待的时候深呼吸。结果:朋友按照我的建议去了面试,并取得成功。打电话来给我表示感谢,这让我也改变了自己的想法,原来建议是一件很有意义也有用的事情。描述一次你教别人技能的经历之前的想法:我从来没有教过谁技能。包括我自己也没像别人请教过什么技能。很多技能都是从学校学到的。现在的想法(反转):然而,事情不是这样。有一天,我的朋友发信息来询问我关于第二天她参加一个工作面试的事。过程:朋友:她很紧张,不知道应该如何表现,因为没有任何面试经验。我教的技能:面试技能。1. 穿衣技巧。2. 热情回答问题,准备一份中英文简历;3,面试前深呼吸结果:朋友按照我教给他的面试技能去了面试,并取得成功。打电话来给我表示感谢,这让我也改变了自己的想法,原来你的经验就可以成为一件很有意义也有用的事情。英文案例1:describe a time when you gave advice to others.之前的想法:Before I this, literally, I’ve never given any to anyone, including that I’ve seldom taken someone else’s advice ,either. Because I believe I can solve the problem by myself.现在的想法(反转)+过程:However, the matter doesn’t go like what I’ve imagined. One day, my friend texted me and asked me about the job interview that she would attend tomorrow. She was nervous and came up against a brick wall about the interview, due to her lack of relevant . Then I concluded a couple of useful sending to her. I told her that the first tip of all was in a right dress code, like wearing a proper blazer. The second one was to prepare a Chinese-English version of resume , that was an after all. Besides, I also reminded her of taking deep breath before she getting started of it.结果感受:Finally, my friend took my advice and then made it in the interview. She called me and showed her gratitude. From this, I changed my thoughts. Giving advice to others seems like a great deal of light. 英文案例2: describe a skill that you can teach others.之前的想法:Before I this, literally, I’ve never given any /串taught any skills to anyone, including that I’ve seldom taken someone else’s advice/acquired skills from others ,either. Because I believe I can solve the problem by myself/串learn most of all from the school lessons.现在的想法(反转)+过程:However, the matter doesn’t go like what I’ve imagined. One day, my friend texted me and asked me about the job interview that she would attend tomorrow. She was nervous and came up against a brick wall about the interview, due to her lack of relevant . Then I concluded a couple of useful sending to her/串then I concluded an interview skill that i cumulated from my own working . I told her that the first tip of all was in a right dress code, like wearing a proper blazer. The second one was to prepare a Chinese-English version of resume , that was an after all. Besides, I also reminded her of taking deep breath before she getting started of it.结果感受:Finally, my friend took my advice/串the skills that i taught her and then made it in the interview. She called me and showed her gratitude. From this, I changed my thoughts. Giving advice to others /串teaching skills to others seems like a great deal of light. 串题思维总结:万能故事线(之前想法-现在想法-过程-结果感受)#文字背后是一个认真专研雅思教学的一线老师#欢迎交流


传说是这样的,part1考官基本上会围绕几个话题来说,因为是warm up,所以开始的时候走个天花乱坠路线正常,其次,一般不是要求part2说多久,而是要比较有条理性,且必须加以例证,有例证才算完整。part2不够一分钟如果你的语速快,涵盖量大,有完整结尾也是可以的;虽然不一定要用that's all不过如果你本身让对方感觉你没说完,这事儿不是很好,在做讲演的时候谁不得告诉观众我都说完了呢,最后被打断的现象不多,但是也是存在的如果分数比预期低很多,个人建议复议 查看原帖>>


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