返学费网 > 培训机构 > 成都蓝波湾口语国际


全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00



地址: 成都市武侯区一环路南三段芳草街2号新康大厦2单元18楼21803室




课程详情 在线报名




Young students who want to develop standard correct English pronunciation from an early age.


Students with very basic speaking and listening skills who want to gradually develop their pronunciation, their listening skills, the ability to create sentences and the ability to engage in dialogue.


Students who have incorrect pronunciationwhich may easily cause misunderstandingand so desire help to correct their mistakes.


Students who hope to methodically perfect their pronunciation and accent.





Improving pronunciation has numerous benefits. It can help to improve speaking and listening skills and at the same time can help these two key language skills fit together. The teaching material for this course mostly contains: pronunciation practice, correction practice, practice at distinguishing similar sounds, imitation practice, practice at creating sentences with a given word and other similar tasks. The course is designed to help students to correct a few easily-made pronunciation mistakes and guide them towards using correct pronunciation.


语音语调口语培训课程旨在帮助学员改进发音,正确地说英语,获得说英语的信心。 尤其着重以下方面的训练:

This course aims to perfect pronunciation and give students the confidence to speak English, knowing that they are pronouncing words correctly. Specifically the course intends to:


Help the student to clearly pronounce sounds and, in turn, listen to and understand English


Enable the student to combine and use sounds together correctly to imitate standard English pronunciation


Direct the student in the use of clear and correct pronunciation and correct intonation so that the student has the ability to adjust to a real-life English speaking environment. Enable students to understand different English accents and communicate fluently with English speakers from different backgrounds


· 注Notes

本课程共三个阶段。并非每一个学员都完成三个阶段, 具体进度取决于学员的特点和课程周期。本课程可以作为一个单项课程进行学习,也可以结合会话、词汇运用等课程强化效果。 There are three phrases to the Pronunciation course. Not all students can complete all three stages; progress will depend on the individual circumstances of each student and the class schedule. The pronunciation course can stand on its own, or it can be combined with Daily Conversational English, Applied Vocabulary or other courses to increase its effectiveness.


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