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  abandon [ ?'bnd?n ]

  n. 放纵,放任

  He was ecstatic, running around kissing strangers on the street with reckless abandon. 他欣喜若狂,冲上街道恣意亲吻遇见的每一个陌生路人。

  Instead of allowing himself to give in to abandon, he hid his emotions from everyone in view. 他没有自我放纵,而是将自己的真实情感埋入心底,不欲别人察觉。

  v. 离弃,完全放弃

  She and her tribe had to abandon their lands and retreat to Canada.(真题)


  He liked the camping spot, but when the bears came he had to abandon it and go camp somewhere else.

  【扩展】abandonment n. 抛弃

  a period characterized by the abandonment of so much of the realistic traditions 一个抛弃了许多现实主义传统的时代

  abandoned adj. 被抛弃的,废置的【同义】deserted

  abandoned coal-mines

  【同义】v. leave , desert, discard, give up

  n. recklessness

  abbreviate [ ?'bri:vieit ]

  v. 1. 缩写

  NATO is how you abbreviate the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. 北大西洋公约组织常被缩写成NATO。

  2. 缩短,使简短

  To abbreviate the speech he had to cut many words out.

  The director abbreviated the film to let his friends see the shortened version. 导演请他朋友们看的是这部电影他删节后的简缩版。

  “I told you to abbreviate this passage, you added three hundred words!”

  【扩展】abbreviation n. 缩写,缩写词

  abbreviated adj. 简短的

  【同义】 shorten

  abnormal [ b'n?:m?l ]

  adj. 反常的,变态的

  One or both wings are held in an abnormal position, suggesting injury.(真题)


  The abnormal profits were the result of a very good year for their business.

  Everyone hated him. His classmates called him weird, and his teacher said he was abnormal.

  I never thought he was that abnormal, he seemed like a typical kid his age. 我从不认为他不正常,他看上去和他这个年龄的孩子一样。

  【同义】unusual, exceptional, unnatural

  abreast [ ?'brest ]

  adv. 并列地,并排地


  keep abreast of... 与…齐头并进,不落伍

  Edison kept abreast of recent scientific developments.(真题)

  We must keep abreast of the weather in order to know whether to evacuate in because of the hurricane. 我们必须随时掌握天气状况,以判断在飓风临境的情况下是否需要撤离避难。

  【同义】side by side

  abrupt [ ?'br?pt ]

  adj. 突然的,唐突的,意外的

  Most paleontologists suspect that abrupt changes in climate led to the mass extinctions.(真题)


  The abrupt closing of negotiations meant the standoff would last indefinitely. 谈判的突然结束,表明僵局将无限期的延长下去。

  【同义】brusque, curt

  absence [ 'bs?ns ]

  n. 缺席,缺乏,缺少

  The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. 没有证据并不是缺席的理由。

  His absence at the meeting was noticed and did not promote confidence in the company.

  A nearly complete absence of craters indicates that Europa's surface ice resembles Earth's Antarctic ice cap.(真题)


  After drying the fish, the women pounded some of them into fish meal, which was an easily transported food used in soups, stews, or other dishes provide protein and thickening in the absence of fresh fish or while on long trips.(真题)


  【扩展】absent adj. 缺席的,缺少的


  absolutely [ 'bs?lu:tli ]

  adv. 完全地,绝对地

  These new rules are absolutely ridiculous.

  We have absolutely no way to confirm what he said. 我们完全没有办法证明他所说的话。

  The beaver is absolutely industrious.(真题)


  【同义】completely, utterly, totally

  absorb [ ?b's?:b ]

  v. 1. 吸收

  One adaptation is to be light in color, and to reflect rather than absorb the Sun's rays.(真题)


  This gamma radiation is absorbed by atoms.(真题)这种伽玛射线被原子吸收。

  2. 使全神贯注 The little child was absorbed in that picture book.

  【同义】take in, sop up;engross, enthrall

  absorbent adj. 能吸收的 n. 吸收剂

  The towel he used to clean up the mess was very absorbent.

  absorbed adj. 全神贯注的

  He stopped and watched with amusement to see the child so absorbed in a crowd of ants.


  abstract [ 'bstrkt ]

  adj. 1. 抽象的

  He could not understand the abstract ideas presented in the theoretical course.

  2. 抽象派的

  She achieved an abstract simplicity in her paintings.(真题)


  Representational motifs largely replaced the earlier abstract decorations.(真题)


  【扩展】abstracted adj. 抽象的,心不在焉的

  abstraction n. 抽象化,抽象概念

  The issue had to be discussed in detail and not in abstraction.

  【同义】unconcrete, conceptual; nonrepresentational

  absurd [ ?b's?:d ]

  adj. 荒唐的,可笑的

  It was an absurd situation that no one understood.

  Don Quixote makes chivalry seem absurd.(真题)


  【扩展】absurdity n. 荒唐,谬论

  The absurdity of having a five year old comment on the news was comic. 把对一条新闻的评论保存了五年,这个荒唐的事实是很可笑的。

  【同义】ridiculous, nonsensical, ludicrous

  abundant [ ?'b?nd?nt ]

  adj. 丰富的,充裕的

  There was a

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