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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00



PART 1新题


Ø  Would you like to be alone?

解析:这道题目的思路较少,我们一般会答出yesno, 然后原因就不知道说什么了。我们可以从自己学习、娱乐、生活等方面考虑,如果答yes, 可以讲省时间、效率高等等;如果答no, 可以讲参考别人的意见、分享等等。

答案范例:Yes, I’d like to be alone. When I do my study, I don’t like to be disturbed by others. Maybe I will chat with my friends and forget my work. When I go traveling, I do not have to consider others travel plan and slow my journey.


Ø  When was the last time you did something in a hurry?


答案范例:I got up late last Monday because I stayed up late the last night. I had to hurry to school and I didn’t want to be late. I quickly had breakfast and rushed out to catch the bus. Fortunately I was not late, but it was terrible experience.


Ø  Do you like to finish things quickly?


答案范例:Yes, I always have meals quickly and take a shower quickly. I think this can save my time. When I do my assignments, I would like to finish them in a short time then I can go to relax myself.


Ø  Would you like to live in the countryside in the future?


答案范例:Yes, I would like to live in the countryside, because I like the clean and quiet environment in countryside. There are fewer factories and cars in countryside places so less pollution is produced. It is good for our health. When I retire in my future, I will find a place to settle down in the rural area.


Ø  What is the sky like at night in your hometown?

解析:除了dark, 同学们很难形容家乡的夜空,其实,我们可以分晴天和阴天来形容,还有说一下月亮和星星,这样话题就丰富了。

答案范例:The sky is fairly beautiful at night, especially under fine weather. We can see the stars twinkling on the sky, the moon is giving out soft light. The sky is dark, but we can still see the cloud sometimes floating slowly. If it is cloudy, we cannot find stars, but it is also silently beautiful.


Ø  * What is your favorite star?

解析:首先,对于star的名称,我们不是很熟悉,更谈不上具体的特点和形状了,建议大家选择常见的,容易说的就可以,比如North Star, 我们可以说它是最亮的星星,给我们带来幸运等等。

答案范例:The North Star, it is the brightest star in the north part of the sky. It is said to bring good luck to people who have chance to watch it. There are a lot of stories and songs about this star, so I think it is romantic and mysterious. Some other stars can form some shapes in group, but the North Star is recognizable and famous.


Ø  * Are you a social person?

解析:我们理解的social是什么含义呢?有的同学认为是比较善于交际,如果答了yes, 感觉解释起来就不知道用什么词汇和内容了。其实,这个题答no应该稍微容易些,比如我不太愿意主动和陌生人搭讪,或者说我比较安静内向等等。如果答yes, 大家可以从brotherhood这个方面来答,比如我喜欢交朋友,讲义气brotherhood,朋友很多,我的性格比较外向,这样也可以。

答案范例:No, I am a shy person. I don’t like to start the talk with strangers, so my social circle is small. I just have friends who have grown up together with me. They are trustworthy.


Ø  * Do you like to learn about history?

解析:学习历史的话题,学生感到历史课比较枯燥,需要背的东西太多,因此答了no, 但是理由或解释比较少。我们可以从历史人物、有趣的历史故事等等方面入手,举例说明历史有意思;如果答no, 可以讲历史课、历史类电视节目的缺点,但是不要提及自己不熟悉自己的历史,或完全没兴趣,可以说历史教育的方法需要改进,让教育变得有意思一些。

答案范例:Yes, history is interesting and educational. I can learn a lot from it. When I first heard the story of a famous herbiest, Lishizhen, I admired him and wanted to learn from him. The history about wars gives us a teaching of how peace is important to a nation.


Ø  * Do you think you can learn history from films or TV programs?


答案范例:No, most of films or TV programs rely on historical background, but they have changed a lot of history. They are misleading because the film makers or TV program producers want their products attractive and full of entertainment. They do not show the truth accordingly to history. I think historical books are more reliable.


Ø  * Why do old people forget about things easily?


答案范例:Their bodies are not in good conditions, they become easy to forget things, especially when they are busy doing housework or they have to do many tasks at the same time, like looking after babies, cooking and washing. They face this problem and feel troubled, but they have nothing to do with it.


PART 2新题


Ø  Describe a law about environment you would like to see in the future.


答案范例:I’d like to talk about a law about environment in the future. Nowadays, we all suffer the problem of pollution globally. Plastic bags are regarded as the “white pollution”. However, they are widely used and seem to be unstoppable. In the future, government should make a law about banning the use of plastic bags in all the areas like supermarkets, shopping malls and communities. Plastic bags have created great amount of pollution because they cannot be fully disposed of by the earth. They may exist underground for many years. In the future, we will suffer more serious pollution if we keep using them regardlessly. In the future, individuals or companies who use plastic bags should be fined or punished according to the extent of using. When we have strict law about this, we can have a cleaner environment.


Ø  Describe an article that you read from a magazine about healthy life.


答案范例:The article that I read in a magazine was very helpful. It was about how to keep healthy diet. We all know that nowadays fast food is popular and modern people do not lead a healthy lifestyle especially in terms of their eating habits. This article is helpful for us because it shows us a list of food for our three meals a day. For breakfast, bread and milk and some fruits are recommendable. We are supposed to intake protein and vitamin in the morning. For lunch, we have to store energy, so rice, noodles or steaming bread with vegetables and soup is perfect. While for evening meal, we should eat as simple as possible. We can just drink soup and eat vegetables. Human body does not need great fat and energy during evenings. Some people eat much meat for dinner, it is so strong meal, and it is not recommendable. This article supplies a food menu for me and I will keep the menu to become healthier in my near future.


Ø  * Describe a person who likes to travel by plane.


答案范例:I want to talk about my aunt. She likes traveling to different countries to learn local cultures, try the local foods and take pictures. She has a photobook about her travel experiences. When she was young, that was twenty years ago, she traveled by air for many times, so she was really a fashion-leader at her time. The air tickets were extremely expensive, so there were few people who could afford this vehicle at that time. She told me about the service on the plane when I was 6 years old, that was the first time I knew that free drinks and meals were supplied on the plane. It is special that she was sick on the bus and train, but she was fine on the plane. Maybe it was because the plane was stable after taking off. I admire her very much. Now I have the experience traveling by air, I found it was amazing on the plane. I understand why she was crazy about traveling by plane.


Ø  * Describe a person in the news that you would like to meet.


答案范例:The person I want to meet is Jacky Chen. He is a great person in Chinese people’s mind. He always appears in media on TV, or online in the entertainment news report, sometimes even in political news report. When he was young, he studied Chinese Kongfu in Hongkong. After painstaking training, he was selected by a movie company. He could act Kongfu in movies. In his movies, he was acting policeman, hero, guard and other kinds of great men. He has a lot of fans including some western fans. He has spread Chinese Kongfu to the world. He has contributed to Chinese movie industry. He devotes himself to charity. He helps some poor people and the disabled. We respect him very much. He is a brave and kind person in our eyes.

He is the first Asian who has wax statue in Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum. That is great honor to him. His achievement and contributions are admirable. I hope I can meet him and ask for his signature one day.


PART 3新题


Ø  What is the importance of obeying law?


答案范例:It is important to obey laws because everyone needs to obey them then we can have stable and peaceful society. For example, if people break the law of traffic, running traffic lights, then we may suffer traffic accidents. If factories do not obey the law of environment, we will have more pollution.


Ø  Is it a good thing to break rules sometimes?

解析:这个题目比较难,很多同学感觉遵守规则是必须的,不遵守的情况不出现。其实,我们可以举例来讲,比如如果答yes, 可以讲在什么情况下可以打破规定,比如有些规定在特定情况下不太合理,可以打破;如果答no, 可以讲break rules的后果,比如说闯红灯。

答案范例:Yes, sometimes. For example, in a company, the boss asks all the staff to obey the rules of reporting work by emails, if someone does not obey this, they will be fined. However, sometimes face-to-face reporting is more efficient, sometimes staff choose this way to save time. It is understandable.


Ø  Who is more suitable for walking?


答案范例:I think athletes are suitable for walking, they receive a lot of training

in their daily work, so they are strong enough to walk for a long distance. Young people who like sports are suitable for walking. Some elderly people who are not fit do not like walking.


Ø  Do you think children should learn how to live healthily?

解析:小孩子是否应该了解如何健康地生活呢?一般来说,小孩子并不了解,因此很多同学答no, 然后就不知道如何解释了。其实,如果答yes, 可以把健康饮食和运动多说一说,就容易展开了。

答案范例:Yes, they should learn how to keep healthy. Nowadays, people are not widely leading a healthy life. They like fast food and lack of body exercise, even children suffer obesity or diabetes. Children should learn to be healthy, like they should choose healthy food such as vegetables and fruits, high-protein foods. They should also have the awareness of doing exercise to keep themselves fit and energetic.


Ø  * Why do some people dislike air travel?

解析:有的人不喜欢乘飞机,原因主要有:1. 飞机的机票比较贵;2. 飞机的起飞和降落可能会给人带来不舒服的感觉;3. 飞机被保守的人认为不安全。这些原因我们可以列举一下,内容就比较多了。

答案范例:Some people think air tickets are expensive, they prefer the reasonable-prized vehicles like train or coach. Some people feel sick on the plane during the taking off or landing. Furthermore, some conservative people think air travel is dangerous, they prefer to stay closer to the ground.



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