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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00






Describe a country you want to visit but have not been to yet

You should say:

Where the country it is

What will you do if you go there

And explain the reason why have not been to yet


这道题目可以说是去年最后一个季度的老题新考题‘Describe a country you want to visit’, 然而本季度的题目当中多加了新的限定条件,也就是‘have not been to yet’。所以在描述过程当中必须要有1-2点的原因去解释为什么还没有去过,不然会被考官判为没有完整的回答问题。所以在2分钟里面,首先考生们先要给出背景铺垫,然后需要描述出想去的;当然是比较虚幻的,因此可以选择2城市,利用侧面描述的办法来说出自己想去的。最后再给出几句话,来说明为什么没有去成。


When 时间

e.g. when you want to go

in a year time

Where 地点

e.g. where you want to go

Austria, Europe

Who 人物

e.g. who you want to go with

my family


What 事件









Why 原因

e.g. what you can do there

a) Viennahometown for Beethovenland for music, architect, culture; learn violin many years, cultivate taste

b) Sulzburgsnow-capped mountains, marvelous spectacle; never see that before, want to experience once

e.g. why have not been there

a) time is limitedlots of things to do

b) costlysaving account is not enough


How 感受

e.g. what do you feel

achieve dream in a year time!



Describe an article about healthy living

You should say:

When you read this article

What the article mainly talk about

And explain what you have leant from this article


媒体类无外乎以下几个话题“book, movie, song (music), TV program”, 在以往的季题中,总是主要内容不变,也就是对于上面4项内容(what)的一个描述,但是原因(why)总是在变化,比如说,‘a book you like to read’以及‘a book you want to read but have not read yet’, 乍看这两道题目,感觉好像没有什么太大的区别,然而实际上两个问题的原因(why)是不同的,第一个的原因是要描述出为什么喜欢看,第二个的原因是要描述出为什么喜欢看但是还没有看。所以考生们对于媒体类的话题,可以准备好‘base’题,在此基础上,根据不同的题目,进行改编。然而可以看出,这道题目主要是‘book’的一个细化,主要是细说一个‘article’,那么考生的展开点可以从三个方面出发,描述出是怎么关于healthy living’的。


When 时间

e.g. when you read the article

3 months ago

Where 地点


Who 人物

e.g. who recommended it for you

my mum


What 事件+ Why 原因

e.g. what the article was about

a) dietvegetable (fabrics), fruit (vitamins), meat (protein); balance diet, not picky about meals

b) exercisemorning & after-dinner, oxgyen exercise (running along the sea), in-door(plank); stronger than before, more healthy

c) daily schedule7 hours guarantee, 7a.m.-11p.m, snap at noon; more energetic to cope with challenge


How 感受

e.g. how do you feel

keep doing!



Describe a paid-job you ever did

You should say

What the job it was

When did you do that

Explain what you have leant from that job


事件类的话题和以往一样,都是属于Part 2的重点描述题,它的比例是所有其他话题加在一起的总和。对于事件类话题,考生们往往觉得是最简单的,因为大多数考生都认为事件类话题也就是描述出一件事情发生的经过,包括什么时候发生的,和谁发生的,在哪发生的,发生了什么以及为什么会发生,最后说出个人的感受。当然,不能否定,这种套路是可以接受的,但是问题在于怎么在限定的2分钟内说出来。以这道题目来看,作为5-8月沿用下来的题目,这题当中首先需要说出工作的名称以及时间,当然也可以提一下工作的地点,接下来要描述出工作的主要内容(duty),最后要说出从工作当中得到了什么,当然这里出现了‘paid’这个词,说明要提一下关于薪水的问题。


When 时间

e.g. when did you do that job

last summer vacation

Where 地点

e.g. where did you work

Café Expressnear my home

Who 人物


What 事件

e.g. what was the duty of the job

a) took order from customer

b) made the coffee they ordered

c) night shiftclean the shop

Why 原因

e.g. what you have learnt

a) communication skillsdeal with customers every day, do recommendations

b) improve independence¥10/hour, first time earn life expenditure

How 感受

e.g. how do you feel

tired but satisfied, want to work there in this winter vacation!

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