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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00

马晓竹    Wish Worthy Work, Wonder Win World.

万圣彬    One dream beautiful,two dreams terrible.
李子煊    Seek-chase-seize,get-gain-pain.
李林林    Breeze gently ,she smiles in Spring.

周万娇    Help my father with my homework.
殷新平    You jump,I don't jump.
Liyayi     You should have been there, Lord.
Alice       She, his life; he, her wallet.
郑健秋    One friend,two faces,three years.
秦正益    Wrong place.Wrong occasion.Right person.
陈斐彧    Graduation work,life,family,sweet burdens.
望嫦娥    Marry me. Where is the ring?
李志明    The Queen's pregnant, who did it?
肖佰可    My son, do your homework first.

柳鑫      Fog and haze.Sorrow and death.
陈凤宇    I met my soulmate he didn't.
李昃绪    Making a snowman is really interesting.
汪芮芳    Strangers.friends.best friends. lovers.strangers.
刘陈岚琳  All lives-opening eyes,closing eyes.
李梦瑶    Trees lay down,birds flew away.
舒婷婷    Fishes are flying in the sky.
张濮镜    Wrong number says a familiar voice.
张志义    The moon smiles in the river.
冯国清    I sell my heart to him.
黄秋瑾    Different people have different lonely shadows.
张艺馨    Life is colorful because of unfairness.
吕方仪    A glance means a thousand years.
高勇       World is big.Let's Go!
文旭        I am here ,where are you?
张佳佳    A snowman waits for sunshine.
李晓涵    One person,one city,love lifetime.
伍雅欣    It is sunshine ,just for you.
李亦檬    I hope you are like me.
张千伊雪  He likes dogs, I have one.



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