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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00


1.Weekends (周末)


What it usually means: Saturday and Sunday with your LOVER. (和爱人一起过的周六和周日。)

What it means when you’re single: Lying in bed until 4 p.m. and deciding not to shower. Because you can do whatever you like and answer to NO ONE.(睡到四点起床再思考需不需要去洗个澡。因为家里就以你一个,你爱干嘛干嘛。)


2. Dinner (晚饭)

What it usually means: A social gathering based on the consumption of food, often for couples. (情侣的社交活动)

What it means when you’re single: Whatever the fuck you want. (自己爱吃啥就吃啥呗)


3. Wine (红酒)

What it usually means: An alcoholic beverage (含酒精的饮料)

What it means when you’re single: Your best friend. (你的好朋友)


4. Cuddles (拥抱)

What it usually means: An act of love between two people who like each other. (情侣之间的亲密动作)

What it means when you’re single: You forcing a cat or dog to sit with you. (逼迫你的汪星人或者喵星人和你坐一起)


5. Shaving (刮胡子)

What it usually means: The act of removing unwanted hair to appear more attractive to your boo. (刮掉身上多余的毛发,让你看起来更迷人)

What it means when you’re single: Something you don’t do because who fucking cares? (你不会去做的事,因为没人在意你有没有毛)



6. TV (电视)

What it usually means: Watching television shows, sometimes accompanied by someone else who will try to dictate what is being watched and when. (和另一半一起看电视)

What it means when you’re single: Watching whatever the hell you want, even if that means all nine seasons of One Tree Hill. (自己爱看啥看啥)


7. Argument (争吵)

What is usually means: Tension between two people that won’t be easily resolved and can ruin your entire night. (两个人之间的紧张的关系,有时候会让你难过一整宿)

What it means when you’re single: An argument between you and yourself about whether or not you should order a pizza. * Hint: You should * (自己挣扎今晚是不是要点披萨吃)


8. Toilet Seat (马桶圈)

What it usually means: Part of the toilet that you constantly have to put up and down during a relationship. (谈恋爱时经常需要掀起来。。。放下来。。。)

What it means when you’re single: Part of the toilet that literally stays however the hell you want it to. (马桶的一部分,你不会去动它的)


9. Date (约会)

What it usually means: A meeting of two people to throw googley eyes at each other. (四目相接,眉目传情)

What it means when you’re single: A day, i.e., April 25. (日子。比如4月25号)


10. Commitment (承诺)

What it usually means: A promise, normally between two people, to stay together. (两人在一起的海誓山盟)

What it means when you’re single: The type of relationship you have with your bed. (你和你的床就是这个关系。。。)


11. Fish (鱼)

What it normally means: Something that couples sometimes cook together. (情侣间经常一起做的一道菜)

What it means when you’re single: A reminder of the 13,493 people that continue to tell you that there’s “other fish in the sea.” (人人告诉你,天涯何处无芳草。。。)


12. Cats (猫)

What it usually means: A fun animal that you sometimes pet. (萌萌的宠物)

What it means when you’re single: An animal that haunts your dreams. Are you destined to become the crazy cat lady?! Only time will tell. (迟早把你变成疯狂的猫女)


13. Weddings (结婚)

What it usually means: A gathering of family and friends to celebrate the union of two people who are very much in love. (亲朋好友汇聚一堂,见证你和另一半的爱情)

What it means when you’re single: Hell on earth, until the reception and open bar. (人间地狱,直到有酒)


14. Third Wheel (第三个轮胎/大灯泡)

What it usually means: The difference between a bicycle and a tricycle. (两轮车和三轮车的区别)

What it means when you’re single: A terrible situation where you are forced to observe people much happier than you currently are. (默默看着别人比你更快乐)


15. Mom (妈妈)

What it usually means:The person who raised you, gave birth to you, loves you unconditionally. (一个生你养你无私爱着你的人)

What it means when you’re single: The name that appears often on your phone asking if you’ve met anyone yet. (天天打电话来催婚的那一位)


16. Children (孩子)

What it usually means: Small, carefree humans that bring you amusement. (你的小天使)

What it means when you’re single: A reminder of your ticking biological clock. (时刻提醒你你已经老了)


17. Hygiene (卫生)

What it usually means: Something that is expected of you to practice, every day. (每天都要保持个人卫生清洁)

What it means when you’re single: Something that you only practice when you damn well feel like it. (想到的时候才会整理一下自己)


18. Thirst (渴)


What it usually means: You’re parched, ready for a beverage of sorts. (需要去喝一杯饮料)

What it means when you’re single: You want the D or V. (饥渴。。。)


19. Single (单)

What it usually means: You’re not attached to anyone romantically. (单身)

What it means when you’re single: In all honesty, you’re having the time of your goddamn life. (你生命里的所有时间都是你的)






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