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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00

Long yi xie, bow tuning, flow heart, white snow teenager, pious humble, he found in front of the Buddha in one thousand, only one of the best years pass by your eyes.

The light shallow, memories of your appearance, as ever.
Bright, seen from far away, two-tone day, drink a bowl of the moonlight that cannot be measured, innocence, express a blue text, the prosperities dream, the shadow

into a butterfly, around cherry blossoms today. Release a rebirth, the back of linked, in the spirit
The depths of the soul; Intoxicating moonlight, ultimate dream heart, inscription in the atrium, pick a Duan Yueguang, holding a wisp of fragrant soul, offered some

All of a sudden, gentle heart to beat so long!
Like the pen, you attitude, sweet and pure smile, looking back at in a hurry only to assign a new excuse. Unfortunately, I am not a silkworm, not touching the wire,

and not the cocoon of acacia; Those being solitary in the wind and rain, deduce into memories of the dandelion,
With you with grizzled troubadour, follow the red sleeve.
Tiny moments, you are in for a second point; Solution cavity for ever, and I use the long life. \"Cang shipwreck once was water, but the sorcery mountain isn't cloud\"

this poem is often hung in the mouth, shallow sing low moans, love the dance, just to beat beauty a smile! Some rhetoric is luxuriantly green, some time in the paper
Conveniently spread on.
Off the sweetness of lotus, in whose chest and shake the watch wound still pure? Never met a glimpse to boundless and indistinct sea of faces, but in the mind, to

calmly and static ran, floating in the wind.
As the days went past, free and easy, listen to the heart melodies, doodle, un-protected. A heart in between the lines, prone to dance with you. Dance a romantic

story, dance a romantic legend!
Cherry blossoms woven dreams, along with the bright moonlight, penetrate your dressing gestures, garment waitresses, cool burned into his stride, tap my heart, fill

the blank in life.
Looking for a piece of pure land of cherry blossoms, draw a blueprint to replace the sky. The years static good, everything is so let nature take its course; Hand

buckish, invite the bright moon radiance, the wind dance. A book, listen to a song of old melody, write life not old oath!

韶华易谢,俯首调弦,流曲心间,白衣胜雪的少年,虔诚卑微,在佛前苦求千年,只为最好的年华里路过你的眼 .流光浅,记忆里你的容颜,一如从前 .

皓月当空,遥望远去,深浅不一的日子,喝一碗无法度量的月光,清白如初,抒写一篇湛蓝的文字,繁华落尽梦中思,化影成蝶,永伴樱花左右 .放生一个轮回,姹紫嫣红的回颦,定格在灵

魂深处;醉人的月色,馨梦柔肠,铭于心房,撷一段月光,挽一缕香魂,开出了几朵断章 .


喜欢,你执笔的姿态,甜美清纯的笑颜,匆匆的回眸,只剩下了为赋新词的借口 .可惜,我不是蚕,吐不了缠绵的丝,结不了相思的茧;那些在风雨中的茕茕孑立,演绎成回忆里的蒲公英,

随你一同浪迹天涯,追随那抹红袖 .



断荷的残香,在谁的胸膛,晃动的伤口依旧纯真的守望?不曾想茫茫人海邂逅了惊鸿一瞥,素然于心,淡然于怀,静然于世,飘然于风 .

光阴荏苒,纵横洒脱,倾听心曲,随意涂鸦,袒露心声 .一颗心匍匐在字里行间,与汝共舞 .舞一段风流佳话,舞一段浪漫传奇!

樱花编织的梦想,随皎洁的月光,渗透你梳妆的手势,衣袂飘飘,烙在安之若素的淡然里,轻叩着我的心扉,填补着人生的最空白 .

找片净土种支樱花,画幅蓝图代替天空 .岁月静好,一切都是那么顺其自然;素手浮华,邀明月清辉 、清风伴舞 .书一段情,听一曲旧旋律,写一生不老的誓言!

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