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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00


白羊座 Aries (3月21日—4月19日)

Create a personalized calendardecorated with your own art or photos. Make note of all the year's major eventsthat are important to your beloved Aries.

金牛座 Taurus(4月20日—5月20日)
No matter its size, a plant will act as a
(literally)growing reminder of your relationship. An outdoor plant might bebest if you'd like nature to take on the bulk of the care !

双子座 Gemini (5月21日—6月21日)
Give them a shout-out! Whether it's a social networking post for all to see, aspecial toast you offer among a crowd of friends or family, or a sign you putup in the front window, Gemini wants to be publicly acknowledged and celebrated!

巨蟹座 Cancer(6月22日—7月22日)
Cancer will appreciate cozy socks, slippers, blanketsand the like. Have their initials stitched into the fabric -- they'll love knowinghow much you care about their comfort!

狮子座 Leo(7月23日—8月22日)
Leo is quite easy to please with pictures. Maybe it's agallery of fun times you've had together; perhaps it's a particularly glamorousor amusing shot of them.

处女座 Virgo(8月23日—9月22日)
Send a letter -- not an e-mail -- from the heart. Taketime to think it out, then handwrite your deepest, fondest feelings.

天秤座 Libra(9月23日—10月23日)
Libras are lifelong learners, Whether it's how tocrochet, draw, or play a song on the piano or guitar, these folks willappreciate the experience of learning from you.

天蝎座 Scorpio(10月24日—11月22日)
Craft a CD or MP3 mix. Take care in selecting the rightsongs to create the perfect mood, memory or message for your darling Scorpio.

射手座 Sagittarius(11月23日—12月21日)
Why not get your adventurous Sag some lottery tickets? Afew dollars could buy a million dreams!

摩羯座 Capricorn(12月22日—1月19日)
The hard-working Goat will be cautious when it comes toparting with their hard-earned pennies. A five-star restaurant that has greatfood at a great value is your dream dining experience; whether it exists or notis another question altogether.

水瓶座 Aquarius(1月20日—2月18日)
Give your special Water Bearer gourmet teas, coffee orwhatever their hot drink of choice may be. Include a note about how you cherishyour conversations when you sit and enjoy beverages together.

双鱼座 Pisces (2月19日—3月20日)
Handcrafts and personal art are sure to please asensitive Pisces. It doesn't have to be elaborate—these folks willsimply treasure the fact that it was made by you.



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