返学费网 > 培训机构 > 武汉新航道英语


全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00

Music and society
      Q: Tell me about any traditional music in your culture.
      folk music 民族乐
      grassroots artists草根的艺术家
      reflect Chinese tradition and culture, lifestyle反映中国古典文化和生活方式
      very Chinese, exotic experience 异国情调的感受
      I’m a young person, and naturally I enjoy music from the west, such as hip-hop and rock ‘n’ roll. And I guess the traditional music in Chinese culture that I can think of right now, is pla often with Erhu and Guzheng. These are Chinese traditional musical instruments with strings(弦乐器). And such music is folk music, which is created by grassroots artists long time ago. When you listen to it, you will have an exotic feeling, “Wow! This is so very Chinese.” Such music reflects Chinese tradition, history and culture. And also the lifestyle of people in China is shown.(105 words)
Music and society
      Q: Tell me about any traditional music in your culture.
     Q: How important is it for a culture to have musical tradition?
     Tradition is history, the cultural past. It’s important for a country to have a musical tradition because it can show how glorious a history the country has. And I think the music of any country has a special tone, and such a tone distinguishes one country from others. So you can be yourself and not other people. This encourages a country’s national pride. And what’s more, since every country has a special kind of music, we put them all together, the world will have more variety and diversity in music. It’s a great benefit for music lovers, right? (98 words)
     Q: Why do you think countries have national anthems or song?
     Olympics Games
     I think the primary reason for a country to have a national anthem is the same as when a person needs a name. It shows you’re different from others. And similar to your name, national anthem is also a representation of the country. It’s a musical symbol of the nation.
     This r, the Olympics will be held in Beijing. And national songs are practical because they will be pla when an athlete wins a gold medal. It’s a moment of honor and glory.
     I think in difficult times, such as disasters or wars, national anthems can encourage the citizens of a country. They promote patriotism among people.
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