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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00



Question: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Consumers’ purchasing decisions are largely influenced by advertisements.




1st argument:

Advertising allows consumers to come to learn a diverse array of novelties of which they were previously ignorant. As a surging number of corporations have become increasingly dependent on advertising to establish and spread their brand reputations and to entice potential customers, advertisements are nearly omnipresent. Therefore, consumers are often bombarded with sheer volumes of information on new products that are claimed to be landmark achievements in particular industries and are thus motivated to purchase and personally try these products. One inevitable result is that many end up buying a great deal of commodity that they do not need in the first place.


2nd argument:

Contrary to new firms that hope to establish their market influence by means of advertising, well-established corporations often deem it a way to market their new products to their existing customers. It is no longer uncommon that adolescents change their mobile phones twice or thrice a year before the old ones wear out, simply because the upgraded new products are claimed to be faster, user-friendlier, and attractive. Another classic example is the automobile industry, where a few minor upgrades to a particular car model are often overly exaggerated by automobile manufacturers to be revolutionary modifications that promise to provide a wholly different driving experience.


3rd argument:

In current society, consumers are bombarded by a diverse array of advertisements that are proliferating in our everyday, to a point where people have been numbed by the relentless adverts and the advertising power has become minimal. Many potential consumers have developed antagonism toward the pushy adverts and instead make their own purchasing decisions independent of what advertisers have to say. A handful of misleading and false advertisements makes the situation even worse by undermining the trust people still have in what is claimed in the advertisements. So, in most cases, consumers just see what they need as the primary motivating factor of their purchasing decisions.







1.     insidious 潜在的

2.     pervade 遍布

3.     add tremendous burden 增加了巨大的负担

4.     threaten 威胁

5.     deplete 耗尽,消耗掉

6.     governmental reserves 储备

7.     a closer examination 仔细的研究

8.     grave 严重的

9.     senior citizens 老年人

10.  survive 生存,生活

11.  on a monthly basis 每个月

12.  worse yet 更糟糕的是

13.  be prone to 容易受到不好的影响

14.  exorbitant 昂贵的

15.  social welfare 社会福利

16.  state expenditure 支出

17.  a staggering proportion of 很大比例的

18.  skewed demographic distribution 不一致的人口分布

19.  acute labor shortage 严重的劳动力短缺

20.  labor-intensive 劳动密集的

21.  physical senility 身体虚弱

22.  physically demanding 对身体要求很高的

23.  serve somebody well 对某人很好,很有帮助

24.  productive 生产力高的

25.  reap profits 得到大量的利润

26.  competent laborer 有能力的工人

27.  scale down 缩减规模

28.  shut down 关闭

29.  cost-effective considerations 出于经济考虑

30.  rising dominance 越来越占据主导地位

31.  a diverse range of 各种各样的

32.  target 目标,针对

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