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在背记单词的时候,我们要了解到,一个单词的前缀决定这个单词词意,比如like(喜欢)和dislike(不喜欢),后缀决定这个单词的词性,比如 understand(v.理解)和understandable(adj.可以理解的)在雅思阅读中,很多时候考点词我们并不认识,但是可以通过前缀来辨别单词是否一致,或者抵触.(我们经常称为单词的方向为正向,或是负向);后缀我们可以判别单词的词性,利用最基本的知识:副词修饰动词和形容词,形容词修饰名词,我们在做填空题的时候不难利用横线前面单词的词性来推测出横线里面要填的单词的词性,从而在原文中缩小范围.比如...as a result of geographical_______ 我们知道后缀为-al的形容词后缀,因此横线中要填的一定为名词,那么名词的后缀又有-tion,-ity,-ness...答案从形式上先确定了,找起来就特别容易.说了这么多,让我们来看看下面这个单词:inescapable,是由前缀表相反的"in-以及形容词后缀"-able构成,中间余下的部分"escap"很容易看出是escape逃离的变体,所以这个单词是形容词,释义为不可逃避的,不可逃离的.


n.代表名词 v.代表动词 adj.代表形容词 adv.代表副词

-able,-ible,-ble,   adj.     understandable, believable

-ate, v. activate, accelerate, validate

-er, -or,   n.   teacher,director

-fy, v.  notify,modify, diversify,classify

-ic, -al,   adj.    historic, dramatic, musical,practical

-ism,  n.    idealism, terrorism

-ist,  n.    pacifist, activist, typist

-ity, n.     possibility, humanity, curiosity, reality

-ize, v.    realize, modernize,popularize

-ness,  n.    happiness, shyness

-oid, adj.   humanoid

-ous, ious, ose,      adj.   poisonous, famous, precious,

-tion, ation,n.   condition, translation


a-,an-without, lacking, not, atypical, apolitical

ab-    away from, abnormal, abuse

bene-good,benefit, benefactor

bi-     two          bicycle, bilingual, bilinguist

circum-           around  circumstance

com-,con-,col-, cor-,co-  together, with   cooperate, collaborate

contra-     anti, against      contradict, by contrast, anti-war

de-    down from, away         descend, dehydrate, deforestation

dia-   through, across   diameter

hyper-   above, beyond, excessive    hypermarket, hypersensitive

hypo-under, beneath, down       hypothesis

in-,im-, il-, ir-  in, into, oninject, insert,inspect

in-,im-, il-, ir- in, not        irregular,illegal

inter- between          international, interview, interrupt

intro-, intra-,   within       introduce

micro-             small        microwave, Microsoft

mis-  wrong     misunderstand, misconception

dis-,  not, opposite,          disconnect, disable, disagree

non-  not            nonessential, nonsense,

un-    not   unavailable, unknown, undeniable

mono-             one, alone monologue, monopoly

multi-many      multiple choice, multimedia, multitude

peri-  around      perimeter

poly- many         polytechnic school

post- after       postgraduate, postpone=delay pre-   before        predict

re-,retro-         back, againreplay, retrospect

semi- half, partlysemiprivate, semi-detached

sub-,suc-, suf-, sug, sup-,sus-  under            subway

super-          above, greater, better superman

syn-, sym-, syl-         with, togethersympathy

trans-           across           transport, transmit

tri- three             triangle, tripod

ultra- beyond, excessive, extreme ultra-sound

uni-one universe


-anthro-,-anthropo-       human      anthropology

-aster-,-astro-,-stellar-   star      asterisk

-audi-,-audit-     hear    audience

-auto-    self      autograph

-bio- life        biology

-capit- head, chief    capital, captain

-ced-go, move,yield        precede

-chron-  time               chronic

-cycle-  circle             unicycle

-dic-,-dict- , speak     contradic

-fact-,fect-   make, do        benefactor

-geo- earth              geothermal
-graph-,-gram- write, writing telegraph

-hetero-     different, other                            heterogeneous

-homo-    same               homosexual

-hydr-,-hydro-    water     

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