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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00

十一长假是出去旅游的黄金时间。很多上班人士或者是学生都会选择十一长假去自己想去的地方,那么出游应该怎样做才会更加轻松和愉快呢?其实无论是出 差还是游玩,最不要做的事是花费所有时间纠结在一些细节上。然而,对大多数人来说,旅行就像是一项浩瀚的工程。通常准备一段旅行似乎比旅行本身更费精力。 多数的旅行压力是自己造成的。准备不充分造成丢三落四,规划不充分导致在最后一分钟仍在紧张地奔波着,你是如何化解因旅游而带来的压力和生活小烦躁的呢? 下面有九个小贴士让你的旅行变得轻松:

1. Pack the Night Before


You don't want the added stress of packing the day of your trip. Inevitably, something is missing or still “in the laundry.” Packing the night before gets your trip off on the right foot.


2. Use a Packlist


To make your packing effortless, use a packlist. Using a packlist allows you to pack in a fraction of the time, and gives you the peace of mind that you have everything before you leave the house.



3. Use Social Media to Get Help


When you are traveling, it can be a hassle to get on the phone for travel assistance. A great time-saving tip is to use social media channels to get help. Especially when getting airline assistance, Twitter can be the simplest and most effective means of getting help. Instead of spending 20 minutes on the phone, with a single tweet I can often get my seat changed or get a flight update. Your hotel may not be as social media savvy as the airlines, but they are getting there.

当你去旅行,使用手机寻求旅游援助是一件很麻烦的事情。一个极大节省时间的技巧是使用社交媒体渠道来获得帮助。特别是要得到航空公司的协 助,Twitter可以说是寻求帮助的最简单、最有效的办法。与其在电话上花费20分钟,直接发送一条tweet,我就常常可以换个座位或是得到航班信息 的更新。酒店可能不像航空公司一样成为出色的社交媒体援助,但是它们也快了。

4. Have Stuff to Do on the Plane


Even if you think you are going to rest on the plane, always have materials with you. It may just be the reading items you want to catch up on. Or it could be your latest work project. You never know when a 1 hour flight might turn into a 4 hour ordeal. Be prepared to do more than read the SkyMall magazine.


5. Always Charge Your Gadgets


This one seems like a no-brainer, but many people get to the airport only to realize they have not charged their phone or laptop.


6. Don't Go Out to Dinner


When you are on the road (especially for business), the last thing you need to do once you get to your destination is spend even more time finding dinner. Get some rest and reclaim some time by eating in. Room service may cost a little more, but it will save you an hour or more of your evening time.


7. Exercise on the Road


Always pack your exercise gear. That is step #1 in working out on the road. Too often you probably say, “It's only a few days” or “I don't have room in my suitcase.” Don't let these excuses stop you from exercising while traveling.

记得把你的运动装备打包带上。这是登上旅途的第一步。你可能常常说:“这只是几天而已” 或 “手提箱没空间了”。不要让这些成为阻碍你在旅行中锻炼的借口。

8. Have Your Travel Details Handy


You never know when something is going to go sideways during a trip. You don't need to be scrambling to find your travel info. I use TripIt to keep all my itinerary info in one place on my iPhone.


9. Always Be Early


Nothing derails a trip quicker than a missed flight or connection. Always allow buffer time in your travel schedule. You may think that is takes “extra time” to leave early, but it ends up saving much stress and heartache. Leaving even 20 minutes early can mean the difference between pulling your hair out in the security line and enjoying a quick read at the gate.



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