返学费网 > 培训机构 > 小马过河国际教育


全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00


Part1 话题预测

Advertisement;  apartment/house/room; art/painting; boat; building; busy; cook; concentrate; countryside/nature; daily routine; entertainment/weekend/relax; family/friends; fashion/clothes; festival; gift; hometown/living city; housework; internet; keep healthy; major/school life/study; music/instrument; mobile phone; name; news; park/garden; patience; past cards/letters/emails; public transport/driving cars; sleep; toys; travel; trees/forest; TV program; weather/season/climate; work; writing; birthday; colors; flowers


Part2 话题预测


1a good parent you know 你认识的一个好家长

2the most polite person you know 一个很懂礼貌的人

3a person who has an important job 一个有重要工作的人

4someone who became your friend at the first meeting 一见如故的朋友

5an interesting person you recently met 最近认识的一个有趣的人

6a very old person you know and respect 一个你认识并尊敬的老人

7a person who taught you something useful 一个教会你有用东西的人

8a child/teenager you know 一个你认识的小孩子/青少年



1a cafe you know in your hometown 你家乡的咖啡馆

2a library you visited 你去过的图书馆

3a room you spend a lot of time in 你待很久的房间



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