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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00

When it comes to work, everyone has their own methods for getting tasks done. But it turns out that the most successful people tend to have similar habits.

1. Mind Your Hours.
If you want to give your working hours a makeover, you’ve got to know how long your activities take.
To get the same understanding of your own work or productivity, it is recommended that you keep a time log for a full week so you also capture the weekend — that’s when people tend to be less conscious of what they’re doing. There’s no one way of tracking your time, so just pick something that works for you. The goal is to be helpful, not to make you hate your life.
Time passes whether or not you make a conscious choice about how to use that time. And not being conscious of how you spend your time is also a choice. I can’t tell you how many people tell me by the second day, ‘I got so sick of saying, “checked Facebook,” for the tenth time that I stopped doing it.’

2. Plan.
The next step to being more conscious with your work time is to plan out your hours. This might seem really obvious, but many harried workers find themselves in triage mode — only answering urgent matters and never taking a moment to strategize about how best to spend their time.
It is recommended having a planning session at least once a week — or a big one weekly and then smaller ones as projects get finished. It is also suggested planning over different time frames. For instance, at the end of the year, you could plan your goals for the year, and then, in your weekly planning sessions, make sure you are steadily working toward those goals.