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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00

 Are you usually punctual or late? Do you finish things within the time you stipulate? Do you hand in your reports/work on time? Are you able to accomplish what you want to do before deadlines? Are you a good time manager?

If your answer is “no” to any of the questions above, that means you’re not managing your time as well as you want. Here are 18 tips on how to be a better time manager:
1. Create a daily plan.
Plan your day before it unfolds. Do it in the morning or even better, the night before you sleep. The plan gives you a good overview of how the day will pan out. That way, you don’t get caught off guard. Your job for the day is to stick to the plan as best as possible.
2. Peg a time limit to each task.
Be clear that you need to finish X task by 10am, Y task by 3pm, and Z item by 5:30pm. This prevents your work from dragging on and eating into time reserved for other activities.
3. Use a calendar.
Having a calendar is the most fundamental step to managing your daily activities. If you use outlook or lotus notes, calendar come as part of your mailing software. Google Calendar is great – I use it. It’s even better if you can sync it to your mobile phone and other hardwares you use – that way, you can access your schedule no matter where you are.
使用日历是管理日常活动的最基本的步骤。如果你用outlook或lotus notes,你电子邮件软件也会自带日历。谷歌日历很不错——我在用它。如果你能把日历同步到手机或所用的其他硬件上那就更好了。——那样的话,无论你在哪里,你都可以访问自己的日程安排。
4. Know your deadlines.
When do you need to finish your tasks? Mark the deadlines out clearly in your calendar and organizer so you know when you need to finish them.
5. Learn to say “No”.
Don’t take on more than you can handle. For the distractions that come in when you’re doing other things, give a firm no. Or defer it to a later period.
不要接太多任务以至于自己完成不了。 若当你在做其他事情时有事儿让你分心,你要坚决说不。或把它推迟以后再做。
6. Target to be early.
When you target to be on time, you’ll either be on time or late. Most of the times you’ll be late. However, if you target to be early, you’ll most likely be on time. For appointments, strive to be early. For your deadlines, submit them earlier than required.
当你的目标是“按时” 时,你要么按时要么延后,大多数时候你会延后。然而,如果你打算提前一点的话,你很有可能会按时。约会时,尽量提前一点儿。对有最后期限的任务而言,提交得比规定时间提早一点。
7. Have a clock visibly placed before you.
Sometimes we are so engrossed in our work that we lose track of time. Having a huge clock in front of you will keep you aware of the time at the moment.
有时我们工作时太全神贯注了以至于都忘记了时间。 在面前摆放一个大的时钟能让你意识到当前的时间。
8. Set reminders 15 minutes before.
Most calendars have a reminder function. If you’ve an important meeting to attend, set that alarm 15 minutes before.
9. Focus.
Are you multi-tasking so much that you’re just not getting anything done? If so, focus on just one key task at one time. Close off all the applications you aren’t using. Close off the tabs in your browser that are taking away your attention. Focus s