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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00




With unemployment hovering near eight percent, even landing a job interview can be difficult these days. So once you do, you want to make the most of it. Being prepared helps, of course, but the words you choose during the interview can be equally important.



Use the wrong ones, warns Success For Hire author and career consultant Alexandra Levit, and you can kill your chances at advancement — even if you’re well-qualified for the job. We asked recruiters for five of the most common culprits and what to say instead.
《成功聘用》的作者,同时也是求职顾问的Alexandra Levit警告说,若是用了错误的措辞你就可能扼杀你受聘的机会——即使你完全符合获得这份工作的条件。我们询问了一些招聘者,得出了5句最常见的会导致你面试失败的罪首,以及应该如何代替。




"I can do anything."



Saying this shows you're an up-for-anything go-getter, right? Not so, say recruiters. If you’re one of many candidates for the position (and you probably are), this vague response will just get you lost in the shuffle. It doesn't give the recruiter a clear idea of what you can do to meet the needs of the job. Instead, be specific. Try: "You said you're looking for someone who can do X. Let me tell you about my experience with that."



"I can try . . . "


