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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00

【职场商务英语】职场绝招: 如何让邮件回复率大增

【职场商务英语】职场绝招: 如何让邮件回复率大增


This column will tell you:

- How to write an email that will produce the results you want;
- Why the scientific method can produce practical insights, quickly.
How can I promise this? I've just been reading up on the latest research from Paul Adams and Stefan Hunt of the Financial Conduct Authority - the UK's shiny new financial industry regulator.
我为何会有这样的自信?我这段时间一直在研读保罗??亚当斯(Paul Adams)和斯蒂芬??亨特(Stefan Hunt)的最新研究报告,两人均来自英国新成立的金融业监管机构金融市场行为监管局(Financial ConductAuthority)。
I am delighted to report that they've been trying to figure out how to write more effectiveletters. Better yet, to this end they have conducted a large randomised trial. The wonderfulconclusion: science can help us write more clearly.
The letters in question were being written by a company to 200,000 former customers. The letters raised the prospect of a mis-sold product and offered the possibility of a refund. The question was: which wording would prod customers into claiming their money? The FCA researchers, in co-operation with the company in question, designed variants of the letter, mailed each variant to 1,000 customers, and compared the response rates.
The original letter looks brief and to the point, but on closer inspection it buries the key detail: the customer may be entitled to a refund. Response rates to this letter were dismally low, less than 2 per cent. Perhaps that is no surprise - the recipients were ex-customers with every reason to throw the letter in the bin, unopened.
The experiment did the sort of thing that profit-seeking companies have been doing for many years: it tested seven different tweaks to the way the letter was written or presented. There are 128 different ways to combine these seven tweaks, and with each of 128 variants sent to 1,000 customers the experiment had a lot of power to pinpoint even quite small effects.
Here are three tweaks that made little difference: printing “important: please read and act quickly” on the envelope induced a minuscule extra response; adding the regulator's logo achieved nothing