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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00




In fact, there are certain behaviors that actually telegraph that you are not relationship material. Becoming aware of those behaviors, and getting rid of them, can be very powerful in changing the way that you are perceived.



My 20 tough love reasons for why you don’t have a boyfriend:



1. You’re needy. You met him last weekend, he texted a few times, and now you just won’t leave the guy alone. This is probably the#1 behavior that gets girls labeled psychoin the early days.



2. You like players. You can’t resist the bad boys, the ones who have dumped on other women. You think that you will be different, that nabbing a player will validate your feminine powers. But the player always wins, because the player always walks.



3. You’re a princess. You want a man who will will worship the very ground you walk on. Do you really want a guy who will eagerly go to a bunch of chick flicks withyou? Wouldn’t you rather accompany him to Transformers from time to time?



4. You flirt too much. Flirting is an essential skill in any woman’s toolkit. It is meant to indicate to a guy thatyou are singling him out for special attention because you are attracted to him. If you flirt like crazy withevery Y chromosome you encounter, it loses its effectiveness, and makes you seem “not very choosy.”


