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In speaking with hundreds of executives and senior leaders over the past twenty years, certainphrases consistently come up as career-limiting phrases that jeopardize one’s professionalimage and potential for promotion. To the speaker they may seem like harmless words, however, to the listener they reveal a more critical issue: In a workplace where employers must be cutting-edge, competitive, and cost-effective, employees who use these phrases will likely be replaced with those who convey a more positive attitude, collaborative spirit, proactive behavior and professional demeanor. Here are 13 phrases that should be banned from the office:

1. “It’s not fair.”
1. “这不公平。”
She got a raise, you didn’t. He was recognized, you weren’t. Some people have food to eat while others starves. Injustices happen on the job and in the world every day. Whether it’s a troublingissue at work or a serious problem for the planet, the point in avoiding this phrase is to be proactive about the issues versus complaining, or worse, passively whining. Instead, documentthe facts, build a case, and present an intelligent argument to the person or group who can help you.
2. “That’s not my problem,” “That’s not my job,” or “I don’t get paid enough for this.”
2. “那不是我的问题”,“那不是我的工作”或“这不是我的分内之事”。
If you asked someone for help, and the person replied with one of the above phrases, how would you feel? As importantly, what would it say about him or her? Regardless of how inconvenientor inappropriate a request may be, it is likely important to the other person or they would not have asked. Therefore, as a contributing member of the team, a top priority is to care about the success of others (or at least act as though you do). An unconcerneddetached and self-serving attitude quickly limits career advancement.
This doesn’t mean you have to say yes; it does mean you need to be articulate andthoughtful when saying no. For example, if your boss issues an unreasonable request, rather than saying, ‘you’ve got to be kidding me. I don’t get paid enough for this,’ instead say, ‘I’ll be glad to help. Given my current tasks of A, B, and C, which one of these shall I place on hold while I work on this new assignment?’ This clearly communicates teamwork and helpfulness, while reminding your boss of your current work load and the need to set realistic expectations.