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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00




1. Choosing a job based on compensation alone

1. 仅根据薪水选工作
Remedy: Make a budget. If you don’t know how much money you need to live the lifestyle you feel comfortable with, you can’t accurately project whether switching jobs for a $10K pay bump is actually a good deal. Making a pros and cons list when comparing your current job with a newopportunity is also helpful. If the only advantage a job offers is a bigger pay check, you can weigh that against longer hours, a more onerous commute and increased reporting responsibilities. Keep in mind that research shows that increases in happiness based on earnings peak at about $75K. Incomes above this level don’t increase your feeling of well-being on a day-to-day basis. So, if you think a jump up to $85 or $90K will make you feel less morose when your alarm goes off, you might want to look at addressing some of the non-monetary factors in your life that are contributing to your dissatisfaction.
补救办法: 做预算。 如果你不能估算需要多少钱才能过上令你感到舒适的生活,你就无法确切地知道为了1万美元薪水而换工作是否真的划算。在比较新、旧工作时,列出各自的优缺点,这会对你很有帮助。如果新工作只是薪水更高一点,那么你可以比较下这个工作是否要求更长的工作时间和完成更多的工作任务。请记住,调查表明:年收入在7.5万美元以内,幸福感会随着薪水的增加而增加,但是一旦薪水超过这个水平,幸福感的增加便不再明显。因此,如果你认为薪水增加到8.5万或9万美元会使你更加快乐,这时你或许应该着手解决生活中那些与金钱无关而引起的不快乐。
2. Staying too long in a job that you want to leave
2. 在原来工作岗位上呆太久了
Remedy: The tricky aspect of this regret is that it’s typically rooted in hindsight. Only after you’ve left the job and have moved on to something better, do you start beating yourself up for not making the leap sooner, even if it hadn’t been practical or possible. What you can do is toidentify the factors that kept you in your former position as red flags to be aware of in the future and work to line up supports that will allow you to more quickly capitalize on other opportunities as they may present themselves. This could include reviewing and updating yourresume with new accomplishments on a monthly or quarterly basis, keeping your LinkedIn account current, building up a contingency fund to allow you to feel less tethered to your current pay check and staying in the loop on industry news and gossip to be aware of where your skills and experience could be of value.
3. Not starting your own business
3. 没有开始创业
Remedy: While the idea of being your own boss is an attractive one, not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur. Being responsible for your own success, creating a legacy for your family and improving the lives of clients and customers certainly sounds romantic, but what about the long hours, the lack of leisure time, the risk of financial failure, the fact that you’re the boss,entry-level employee, marketer, accountant and janitor all rolled into one? If you value jobstability, prefer a singular focus over multi-task