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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00


【厦门韦博英语】骗子诈骗警告 Phoney Fraud Alerts

【厦门韦博英语】骗子诈骗警告 Phoney Fraud Alerts



A phoney fraud alert is similar to a phishing scam. It can come in the form of an email or a phone call claiming to be from your bank or financial institution. The scammer will usually tell you that your credit card or account has been cancelled because it was involved in criminal activity. This is a trick to get you to given them your account details so the scammers can use your account. They work by lowering your guard with the phoney fraud alert. They hope that youpanic and do what they suggest to fix the ‘problem’. They are tricky to spot because real banks and credit unions often do contact people if there has been suspicious activity on their account.






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