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【厦门韦博英语】中国的年轻富豪 并非顶尖学生

【厦门韦博英语】中国的年轻富豪 并非顶尖学生


For Chinese parents who wrack their brains thinking of ways to send their kids to top universities, a recently released wealth list may make them think twice.


West gate of Peking University: Apparently not the door to riches.


According to a new list that tracks China’s young and wealthy, none of the wealthiest people born after 1980 graduated from Peking University or Tsinghua University, China’s top two universities. About two-thirds of the rich 32-years-old-or-younger graduated from non-key universities, including vocational colleges.

根据一份最新的中国年轻人及富人排行榜(link),1980年之后出生的富豪们没有一个是毕业于北京或者清华(中国最顶尖的两所)的。 这些32岁及以下的年轻富豪中有2/3是毕业于非重点,包括高职院校。

That’s a shift from the previous generation. Among 59 of those on the list born before 1980, five graduated from Peking University and two from Tsinghua. They include big-name entrepreneurs like Robin Li, chief executive of Baidu Inc., a graduate of Peking University, and Charles Zhang, CEO of Sohu.com Inc. of Tsinghua. More than half of billionaires in this age group graduated from first-tier universities in China.

这相对于上一代来说是一个转变,在这个排行榜上有59位1980年之前出生的人士,其中有5位是毕业于北京,2位毕业于清华。他们包括知名企业家李彦宏,百度公司的 CEO,毕业于北京,还有张朝阳,搜狐公司的 CEO,毕业于清华。这个年龄段的亿万富翁中有超过一半的人是毕业于中国的名牌。

This list names the top 100 Chinese multi-millionaires in yuan terms, plus their universities and majors. It was compiled by sdaxue.com, the website of Tiantian Xiangshang Corp., an online company based in 温馨提示:为不影响您的学业,来校区前请先电话咨询,方便我校安排相关的专业老师为您解答
