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【厦门韦博英语】流行新词:养眼花瓶 eye candy

【厦门韦博英语】流行新词:养眼花瓶 eye candy


A common slang term for visually appealing persons or effects used to draw mass attention is eye candy. The implication is that they are eye-catching in a superficial fashion. Like actual "candy", this addition is seen to be neither nutritious nor substantial, but rather provides apotentially addictive appeal which will sustain the attention of a wider audience, possibly despite their better nature.

英语俚语中通常用eye candy这个词来指代在视觉上颇具吸引力的人或者能够吸引人眼球的视觉效果,我们暂且译为“养眼花瓶”。也就是说,这些人或者视觉画面从表面来说很具有吸引力。就像candy(糖果)一样,既没有什么营养价值,也没什么实质内容,而只是能够引起更多人关注的兴趣。至于他们本质如何,则通常少人在意。
The term may have been originated by interactive videodisc, user interface designers working at INTERAC Corp. in 1983. Their work integrated text, audio, graphics, photographic images, and video into a seamless presentation. The "eye candy" referred to visually appealing images supporting the overall message.