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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00


1. Do not announce it to the whole world.

If you need to pour out your feelings, keep it to your family and close friends. There’s no point in letting your whole office know that you feel miserable in your job. It will just create negativevibes for you and the rest of your team.
2. Determine the cause.
Try to recall when you started having negative feelings towards your job. Try to pinpointwhich facet you hate. Is it your task? Your boss? Your colleagues? Your office environment? Your commute to the office? If you don’t know why you feel miserable in your job, you will forever be stuck in it– you don’t know the root cause, therefore, you won’t be able to figure out the best solution.
3. Improve personal relationships in the office.
This is the chance to make your daily work experience more enjoyable. Most people who hate their jobs stay because of their colleagues. Improve your friendships at work, and make new ones. If possible, be a 温馨提示:为不影响您的学业,来校区前请先电话咨询,方便我校安排相关的专业老师为您解答