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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00

 During the ancient times the Greeks held swimming sessions in full respect and with high regard. It was after more than a hundred years when swimming was reincarnated and became a competitive sport.

Swimming is indeed a great kind of sport. With the whole body moving against the water current, it is considered as an excellent form of physical and cardiovascular exercise.
· Relieves stress because it is a relaxing exercise.
· 因为是放松运动,所以有减压功效;
· Increases the flexibility of the body, enhances balance and coordination.
· 增强身体灵活性,加强平衡力和协调力;
· Serves as a form of therapy for some ailments and medical condition.
· 作为某些疾病和医疗的治疗形式;
· Builds and tones the muscles.
· 锻炼肌肉;
· Helps maintain cardiovascular fitness.
· 保持心血管健康;
· Keeps the heart and lungs healthy.
· 维持心脏和肺健康。
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