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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00

Whether you love your co-workers or hate them, you're stuck with them for hours each day—and they're stuck with you.If you're not thoughtful about what you say to each other, you can make one another uncomfortable or even miserable—and can harm your professionalreputation too.

Here are 10 things you should never say at work.
1. "Are you pregnant?" If someone wants you to know she's pregnant, she'll tell you. Until and unless that happens, assume it's none of your business—and asking is a good way to offendmost women, pregnant or not.
1. “你怀孕了么?”如果别人想让你知道她怀孕了,她会告诉你。如果她告诉了你,你也不要多管闲事,因为对大多数女性来讲,询问她“你是否怀孕了?”是一种冒犯行为。
2. "You owe $10 for this gift for the boss." Many workers don't want to budget for going-away or shower gifts for co-workers and resent being asked to give up their hard-earned cash. That's doubly true when the collection is being taken up for the boss, who presumably earns more than them. Besides, etiquette rules say that gifts in the workplace should flow downward, not upward.
2. “给领导买礼物你需要出10美元。”许多员工不想花钱给同事买离别礼物和新婚礼物,也不愿在别人的要求下花自己的血汗钱。更何况是给赚得比自己多的领导集资买礼物。另外,按照职场礼仪来说,应该是上级给下级发礼物,而不是下级给上级送礼。