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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00


我们初学 iBT 阅读时 , 可能更关注一些陌生的新题型 , 随着我们逐渐对方法和技巧的掌握 , 整体正确率不断提高时 , 有一种题型日益彰显出狰狞的面目 , 那就是 VOCABULARY QUESTION. 很多同学觉得,这单词题成了 iBT 阅读的最后障碍 . 对于这个问题,一则要扩大我们的单词量,再则要加强在上下文中理解单词的意思,这是两个基本点 . 还有一个有效的途径,就是熟悉托福机经 .

ETS 总是喜欢重复考点,对于单词题就更是如此 . 因此我不辞劳苦地搜集了许多单词题的鸡精,铺列于下 . 左侧为文中单词,右侧为正确选项 . 一定要熟记于心,因为在考场上很有可能碰到原题

enroll to one = combine
complement = supplement = add to
substitute = replace
so far = until present = up to now
rooted in = based on
make their way = travel
vulnerable--open to break-open to attack -- weak --susceptible
perishable 容易腐烂的 = easy to spoil
Seething 沸腾的 --- overflowing/excited/active
float = stay on the top
be consistent with = be compatible with
property 财产,特征 = characteristic = attribute ( 名词意为 " 特征,属性 ")
simulated ---- artificial
sort --- type -- kind
staggering 摇晃的 ; 犹豫的 ; 压倒的 ( 多数 ) =overwhelming
string 线 , 绳子 ; 一行 , 一系列 =series
swell -- enlargement --- expand
tract- area - terrain
symmetric 对称的,均衡的 --- balance
taper 逐渐变小 --- diminish --- 收缩
tenet --- principle/belief
turn = change
vast - immense - extensive
with the ordinary citizen's pocketbook = affordable
advent = arrival
affair = matter
chronic --- constant - confirmed 慢性的;证实的
consequence = result/importance
counter = oppose
countervail 补偿,抵消 ; 对抗 = compensate/oppose
distinction = differentiation/excellence/honor
distribution = dispersion = dispersal
embed = implant
euphoric = extremely happy
flake = fragment
hinder 阻碍,打扰 = interfere with
ladings 船货 = cargos shipment
mandatory = required, obligatory
mundane 世俗的,平凡的 = ordinary
prerequisite = something required (something needed to happen)
rather = instead 相反地 / in some degree 在 tain
sank (sink 的过去式 )= descended; dropped to the bottom
scant = minimum
sited = located
sophisticated = refined /elaborated /complex
ubiquitous 到处存在的 = common
unanimity = total agreement
spectator = viewer
sporadic = intermittent /irregular
stylus 铁笔,针状物 = pen
unconceivable = unimaginable
uniformly = evenly/ without variation/consistently
unique = sole/ distinct
warranted = authorized 授权的 /justified
assume=take on 呈现 / suppose, posit 假设
foster=promote , encourage
Plumage 羽毛 =feather
Composition 作文,成分,混合物= mixture
relatively = comparatively
premise= assumption
within= inside
have nothing to do = in no relation to
vigorous= strong
extraordinary 非凡的,特别的 = exceptional 异常的,例外的
uneasy 心神不安的,不稳定的 =unstable
bulk 大小,体积,大多数 =major
speed 加速 = increase the rate of
spread=distribute 散布,分布
endeavor 努力 = enterprise 进取心,干事业
proximity 接近 = nearness
rotate=turn 转动,旋转
assertion 主张,断言 = strongly statement
evidence = proof
preeminent 卓越的 =foremost 最重要的
barrier 障碍物 =obstacle
primitive = early
sort = type
intact 未被碰过的 =unaffected
prize 珍视 = value
lucrative 有利可图的 = profitable
ineffectively=with out any result
misleading =inaccuracy
architecture =structure 结构,建筑物
accomplished 完成的,熟练的 =skilled,
embedded 内含的,嵌入的 =enclosed 被附上的
collaboration 协作 =joint effects
identical=the same
dispersal 分散,散布 = distribution
hampering 妨碍,牵制 = restricting
cherished 珍爱的 =valuable
precision = accuracy
broadly = extensively
yearly = annual
tracking = following
tolerant = endure
rather than = instead of
transformation = conversion
crawl 爬行 =move
hobby 业余爱好 = pastime 消遣,娱乐
inherent in = characteristic of
recharge 再充电 =refill 再装满
devise 设计,发明 =create
attest to 证明 --confirm,
replicas 复制品 --copies,
extant 现存的 =not extinct
be closer resemblance to=. be more like
indicate =demonstrate
mirror 反映 =reflect
procure 获得 =obtain
paradoxically=seemingly contradictory
counsel 劝告,忠告 =advice.
mock 嘲弄,模仿 = pretend
spectacular 引人入胜的 = impressive 印象深刻的
mimic 模仿,仿制品 =copy
routinely = commonly
actually = in fact = virtually
revolutionize = dramatic change
initially = originally
source = origin
diversity 多样性 =variety
disassemble 分解 =break
archive 档案 = record
attribute 属性,特征 = characteristic
avid 渴望的,热心的 = enthusiastic
basic = fundamental
collision = hit each other
copious 丰富的 = plentiful
delight = pleasure
disintegrate 分解 = tear apart
diverse = distinct
dual = double
eager = enthusiastic
endeavor = enterprise
erect 矗立,建立 = build
expediency 便利 = advantage
fashioned out of = made from
immigration = movement
infrastructure 基础设施 = foundation
locale 场所 = place
mean 平均值;卑贱的;吝啬的 = average
myriad = innumerable == innumerous
peak = maximum
rate 估价,鉴定等级 = classify 分类,分等
Save for 除。。。之外 = Except for
seize 抓住 = take
tie = relation
volume = quantity
wholly = completely
Within the ordinary citizen's pocket book = affordable
ally with 与。。。结盟 --link to
aware of=familiar with
bulk=great quantity =majority
ferry 摆渡,渡运 ==transport
hint 暗示,提示 = indication
of legitimacy=lawful
of likelihood = probable
misconception=wrong idea
offset 抵消,弥补 =balance
omit 遗漏 = exclude
patchy 杂凑的;斑驳的,补丁的 =irregular 参差不齐的,不规则的
peak=in the middle of the largest strengthen
precede=come before
preserve 保护,保存 =protect
proximity = closeness = nearness
right (to some place) 一直向。。。地方 = all the way
account 叙述,故事 =description
allied with = linked to
astute 狡猾且机敏的 =clever
avenue 林荫道,方法 = method = vehicle 手段, 车辆 = approach 方法;接近
appearance=rise 出现,上升
appreciable 可察觉到的 =noticeable
assert= strong statement
accessible=easy to reach
absorb=take in
attribute(verb) =credit
(attribute ... to ... = credit ... to/with ... 把。。。归结于 / 归功于。。。 )