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 Are you better off than you were four years ago? Ronald Reagan's famous question to voters in his 1980 campaign now looms over the 2012 presidential election.

你比四年前过得更好吗?里根(Ronald Reagan)在1980年总统竞选中向选民所提的这个问题现在开始笼罩2012年总统大选。
Barack Obama took office in January 2009-as credit markets stalled, stocks plunged and unemployment shot higher. Nearly four years later, many Americans have escaped the worst effects of the crisis. But they have made little progress beyond that, according to several measures of the U.S. economy.
奥巴马(Barack Obama)于2009年1月就任,当时随着信贷市场停滞,股票暴跌,失业率飙升。近四年后,许多美国人逃过了那次危机带来的最坏影响。但从美国经济的多个衡量指标来看,这些人除此之外并未取得多大进步。
The November vote is likely to turn on whether more Americans credit President Obama for averting financial catastrophe-a main assertion of his campaign-or blame him for a disappointingly weak recovery, the central message of Republican rival Mitt Romney.
今年11月的大选可能会取决于,认为奥巴马总统对阻止金融灾难有贡献(这是其一大竞选主张)的美国人多,还是认为他对令人失望的微弱复苏有责任(这是共和党总统候选人对手罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)向选民传递的一个核心信息)的人多。
Working-class Allentown and the surrounding area in the rolling hills of northeastern Pennsylvania reflect in many ways the overall U.S. economic experience and mood. Residents here have bounced back from some setbacks but are working harder to stay afloat.
Jim Kelchner, 63 years old, lost his job when the housing bust triggered the closing of the lumber yard he managed. He collected unemployment insurance in 2009 for a few months. In 2010, he landed two part-time jobs: one as a maintenance man at a Lowe's store, the other working in the warehouse of Coca-Cola Park, home to the Lehigh Valley IronPigs, a triple-A minor league baseball team.
63岁的凯尔科纳(Jim Kelchner)管理着一座木料场,房地产泡沫破灭时,他丢了工作。2009年,他拿了几个月的失业保险。2010年,他找到了两份兼职:一份是在一家Lowe's商店做维修员,另一份是在可口可乐公园球场(Coca-Cola Park)的仓库工作。该球场是棒球小联盟3A球队Lehigh Valley IronPigs的主场。
Mr. Kelchner earns what he made in 2009, about $750 a week, but he has to work 75 hours-much more than before. 'I don't get to see my wife as often,' he said. The struggle, he added, has been 'just to get back to where I was.' He has voted for Democrats in the past but said he wasn't sure how he would vote in November.
Mr. Obama says he inherited a sick economy from Republicans that will take more time to heal. Mr. Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, says Mr. Obama made matters worse, and that he can better address the economy's problems.
Voters appear split over whom to believe. In the six Wall Street Journal/NBC News national polls dating back to January, Mr. Obama's handling of the economy has never won approving reviews from more than 45% of respondents, while between half and 53% have said they disapproved. The economy and jobs dwarf all other issues, according to the polls, yet Mr. Obama maintains a small lead over Mr. Romney.
The unemployment rate, at 8.3%, is higher under Mr. Obama than it has been for any president seeking re-election since Franklin Delano Roosevelt. On its face, that bodes poorly for Mr. Obama. But considering how high it was when he took office, at 7.8%, the figure is a more nuanced indicator.
奥巴马时期的失业率为8.3%,比罗斯福(Franklin Delano Roosevelt)以来寻求连任的任何一位总统在任时的失业率都高。表面来看这似乎对奥巴马不利。但考虑到他就任时高达7.8%的失业率,这个数字就是一个更微妙的指标了。
That is because the jobless rate rose more sharply, although from lower levels, during the first terms of some re-elected presidents. Since Mr. Obama's inauguration in January 2009, it has risen half a percentage point. During George W. Bush's first 42 months in office, it rose 1.3 percentage points, from 4.2% to 5.5%; and during Richard Nixon's first term it rose more than two points, from 3.4% to 5.6%.
这是因为在某些连任总统的首任任期中,失业率增长得更剧烈,尽管本来水平就比较低。自奥巴马2009年1月就任以来,失业率增长了0.5个百分点。小布什(George W. Bush)上任后的42个月中,失业率从4.2%升至5.5%,涨了1.3个百分点;在尼克松(Richard Nixon)的第一个任期期间,失业率的涨幅超过了两个点,从3.4%升至5.6%。
Presidents George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter saw rising unemployment during what turned out to be their last year in office, and they weren't re-elected. Under Mr. Obama, the rate has stagnated in 2012-a more favorable trend than the defeated presidents' showing.
在老布什(George H.W. Bush)和卡特(Jimmy Carter)的任期内,有一段时间失业率飙升,而这正好是他们任期的最后一年,最终他们没有连任。奥巴马任期内,失业率在2012年没有波动,与上述两位未能连任的总统相比,这是个更有利的趋势。
With the U.S. economy still balanced on a knife's edge between improvement and decline, movements one way or another in coming weeks could affect voter views more than usual. Growth in the second quarter of the year slowed to 1.5%, the government reported last month, too little to bring down unemployment.
Signs of an incomplete recovery abound. Companies are leaner and more efficient, but wary of investing or hiring. Consumers have reduced debts substantially, setting the stage for better times, but remain worried about stagnant income and unemployment.
'The greatest question for Mr. Obama is whether he can overcome disappointment with the way he handled the economy,' said Andrew Kohut, president of the Pew Research Center. The prior state of the economy is of scant importance to voters, he said: 'What he inherited and what he prevented doesn't have the same weight as the judgments people make about what they see now.'
皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)负责人科胡特(Andrew Kohut)说,“对奥巴马来说,最大的问题在于他是否能战胜人们对他处理经济的方式的失望情绪。”他说,美国经济之前的状况对选民并不重要,“他所接手的以及他所阻止的,与人们对他们现在所看到的东西做出的判断并不具有同样的分量。”
One metric looms ominously over Mr. Obama's re-election effort: real disposable income. A measure of income after inflation and taxes, real disposable income per person has fallen 0.3% during Mr. Obama's tenure. That compares poorly with presidents who successfully sought second terms and those who lost. The figure rose 10.2% under Mr. Nixon, 10% under Mr. Reagan, 5.2% under Mr. Clinton and