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 Arnold Schwarzenegger promised he'd be back - but that was before his governorship, his tabloid scandal and his 65th birthday.

阿诺德•施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)曾经承诺过他会回来的,但那是在他当州长之前、有婚外情丑闻之前,以及65岁生日之前。
After nearly a decade, the former governor of California is attempting to reignite his career as a Hollywood star.
He has already shot three films, including the ensemble piece 'The Expendables 2,' which opens next week and is the first movie since 2003 to feature him in any role beyond a cameo. He has signed on to star in three more, including a new 'Terminator' installment, for which he has met recently with director James Cameron and producer Megan Ellison, who paid $20 million last year to buy the rights from a hedge fund that bid for the property in a bankruptcy proceeding.
目前,施瓦辛格已拍了三部新片,包括8月中旬上映的《敢死队2》(The Expendables 2),这是他自2003年以来第一次出演主角。他还签下了三部电影的演出合约,包括新一代的《终结者》(Terminator)。一个对冲基金在破产清算竞标中拿到了这部《终结者》的版权,导演詹姆斯•卡梅隆(James Cameron)和制片人梅根•埃里森(Megan Ellison)又在2011年花2000万美元从该对冲基金手中将版权买下。最近,施瓦辛格与两人进行了会面。
People have underestimated Mr. Schwarzenegger ever since he arrived in the U.S. in 1968 as a bodybuilder with a thick Austrian accent. But resuming a Hollywood career after a decade-long sabbatical won't be easy, especially for a man now carrying a little less muscle tone and a little more personal baggage: In May 2011, a few months after exiting office, Mr. Schwarzenegger admitted that he had fathered a child with a longtime member of his household staff. He delayed getting back in front of the cameras for several months. Mr. Schwarzenegger insists he isn't trying to recreate his glory days.
'I don't need the money,' he said before a recent promotional appearance at Camp Pendleton, the Marine Corps Base down the coast from Los Angeles. 'I've been there. I've gotten to the top - the No. 1 movie of the year and all those things. So now it's a different agenda.'
最近,施瓦辛格在洛杉矶海边Camp Pendleton海军陆战队基地做宣传时说,“我不缺钱,该有的我都有了,我曾站在巅峰,是年度头号影片的男一号,现在我关注的是不一样的事情。”
Part of his agenda is adjusting to a changed Hollywood. As studios have focused increasingly on special effects-laden films built around pre-sold characters from comic books and the like, action stars' place in the firmament is vastly diminished. Neither of this year's biggest domestic hits, 'The Avengers' and 'The Hunger Games,' relied on the strength of a sole marquee name. The $29.3 million upfront fee Mr. Schwarzenegger collected for his last big role, 'Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines' in 2003, would be unthinkable for any actor today. (He sat out the fourth 'Terminator' while he was in office.)
其中一件事情是适应已经改变了的好莱坞。现在不少制片厂商越来越倾向于拍摄以漫画书等作品中热门人物为主角的充满各种特效的影片,动作明星曾拥有的广阔天地已几乎消失。看看今年上映的几部大片,如《复仇者联盟》(The Avengers)和《饥饿游戏》(The Hunger Games)等,依靠的都不是单打独斗的明星。施瓦辛格最后一次作为主角出演2003年的《终结者3:机器的觉醒》(Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines)时,预收的出演费高达2930万美元,这对今天的任何演员来说都是无法企及的高度。(施瓦辛格在当州长期间还客串出演过《终结者4》。)
Mr. Schwarzenegger became an international icon through films that exploited his uber-macho, pumped-up image in both earnest ('Total Recall,' 'Conan the Barbarian') and comedic roles ('Twins' and 'Kindergarten Cop'). He never hoisted Oscars for his acting, but he was a larger-than-life screen presence.
施瓦辛格在出演了不少具有男子汉气概和英雄风范的银幕角色后,成为国际影坛的一位天王巨星。他的影片既有柔情的元素,如《全面回忆》(Total Recall)和《王者之剑》(Conan the Barbarian),也有喜剧的一面,如《龙兄鼠弟》(Twins)和《幼稚园特警》(Kindergarten Cop)。虽然施瓦辛格至今还未捧得过奥斯卡小金人,但已成为一位永恒的银幕形象。
He dropped all of that upon his inauguration in 2003, and made a near-absolute retreat from Hollywood for the next seven years.
As soon as he left office in January 2011, Mr. Schwarzenegger and his team of advisors began plotting his transition out of politics. There were plenty of ways Mr. Schwarzenegger could have occupied his time: He's working on his memoirs and launching a policy institute at the University of Southern California.
2011年1月施瓦辛格卸任州长后,马上就跟顾问团队开始规划退出政坛后的转型向。他有许多道路可供选择:写回忆录,在南加州(University of Southern California)开办一个政策研究院等。
There was also a big job possibility in Washington. Around the end of his second term, Mr. Schwarzenegger was approached by White House officials about a cabinet position, according to people familiar with the matter.
Mr. Schwarzenegger, however, prefers Hollywood. Even if it is hardly known as a warm and supportive work environment, for him it seems like a safe harbor compared with politics. In Hollywood, 'they see you rising as a star. They see you falling as a star. That is natural,' he said. 'But it's not like, let's get someone. Or, let's tear them down. It's a different mentality.'
There is no template for engineering a second movie career for a former governor. Mr. Schwarzenegger relies on aides and advisers drawn from various facets of his life. In addition to people like his stunt double, Mr. Schwarzenegger's traveling entourage includes a coterie of former administration staffers, including his former special assistant (or 'body man'), his former communications director and his former deputy director of advance. One of his agents at Creative Artists Agency, Michael Kives, has a background in politics, having interned for President Bill Clinton.
如何让一位前任州长重返影坛,这没有现成的经验可供借鉴。施瓦辛格拉回了曾在他生命各个阶段助他一臂之力的助手和顾问团队。除了他的特技替身演员,施瓦辛格的随行人员还包括一群与他一起共事的班底,如前特别助理、前公关主管、前助选副主管等。他在创新艺人经纪公司(Creative Artists Agency)的经纪人之一迈克尔•凯夫斯(Michael Kives)拥有政治从业背景,曾在克林顿总统(President Bill Clinton)的手下实习过。
That team mapped out a second, reformulated movie career, one that relies heavily both on what they hope will be moviegoers' nostalgia for their star of yesteryear, and empathy for an aging action hero.
The strategy conceived by his team calls for him to revive hits from his heyday such as 'Triplets' - the sequel to 'Twins' - and the next installment of 'The Terminator,' the script for which is in development. And he will seek age-appropriate rol