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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00

 Archery is the new curling.NBC said Thursday that during the first few days of its Olympics coverage, archery was the most popular sport of any that itaired on its cable networks – bigger even than basketball. Archery averaged 1.5 million viewers when it came on TV.

NBC Sports Group Chairman Mark Lazarus attributed the interest in part to the popularity of "TheHunger Games" getting young people interested in bows and arrows. American archer BradyEllison is also a big draw.It is reminiscent of when recent Winter Olympics telecasts fueled an interest in curling.
It is reminiscent of when recent Winter Olympics telecasts fueled an interest in curling.
美国广播公司表示,在其奥运报道的最初几天,射箭是在有线电视网络中最流行的体育运动,甚至都超过了篮球。 射箭项目时,电视平均每场1.5万观众。
The Screen Actors Guild said Tuesday that 78 percent of voting members decided to ratify a two-year contract covering movies and prime-time TV shows made by the major Hollywood studios.
上面的报道中,prime-time TV shows就是“黄金档电视节目”,prime time指the block of a day's programming schedule with the most viewers and is generally where television networks and local stations reap much of their advertising revenues(电视观众最多、而且也是电视网络和当地电视台广告收益最多的电视节目时间段),即“黄金时段”,很多地方都将晚间8点到11点定为“黄金时段”,而该时段的收视率则是prime-time ratings。
晚间的电视播出时段除了最抢手的prime time以外,其余的时间段叫做non-prime time(非黄金时段),也叫fringe time(边缘时段)。细分一下的话,在prime time之前的那个时段叫做early fringe(傍晚时段),而过了prime time以后进入深夜的时段则叫做late fringe(夜间时段)。
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