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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00

1、 制作一张很小的透明图片。嵌入到文本当中或者行首。这种方法实现起来比较麻烦。
2、 使用全角空格。为什么这种方案可行呢?因为全角空格实现起来比较简单。虽然也是空格但是对应的HTML代码却不是空格代码。而是另外的代码,因此Dreamweaver把他当字符处理而不是空格。所以可以相安无事。但是在不支持中文字符集的浏览器看来就是乱码了。具体操作方法就是选择智能ABC输入法,然后切换成全角状态,再键入空格就OK啦!
3、 使用软空格。即在要插入空格的地方按Ctrl+shift+空格键,当然也可以通过输入 实现。这样的空格所有浏览器都能认识。但是缺点是在页面编辑的时候无法看见插入了多少空格,只能在浏览器预览的时候才能看清楚。不够直观。软空格其实使用的是代码。是不间断空距标记。他可以生成软空格。每按一下Ctrl+shift+空格就是增加一个代码。
代码虽然简单,但是它的作用也很大。在做网页时候我们空出一行或者几行就要靠这个代码来帮忙。学过HTML语言的朋友都知<p></p>标签是用来标记一个段落的。如果光写<p></p>这段代码是不是就可以生成空行呢?这是无效的。必须在<p>标签中增加“;”代码才行。<p> </p>这样的代码才会有空行效果。这里该标记也是起了占据位置的作用。另外如果用Dreamweaver生成一张表格,察看源代码的时候会发现。单元格<td>标签中页有这个标记<td> </td>。如果你把这些标记删除,会发现所有的单元格全部挤在一起。根本无法往里面填写内容非要拖拽边框不可。
1, make a small transparent picture. Embed text or the. This method achieves more trouble.
2, use full-width space. Why is this feasible? Because a full-width space easy to realization. Although the space but also corresponds to the HTML code is not a space code. But the other code, so the Dreamweaver him as a character processing instead of spaces. So we can live together peacefully. But does not support Chinese character set browser it is garbage. Specific operation method is the selection of intelligent ABC input method, and then switched to a full-width state, and then on the OK type spaces! 3, the use of soft space. Namely to insert spaces in the local press Ctrl+shift + spacebar, of course, can also be achieved through input. Such spaces all browsers to know. But the drawback is that the page editor of the times to see how much space is inserted, only in the browser preview time can see clearly. Intuitive enough. Soft space actually is using the code. Is uninterrupted air distance marker. He can generate soft space. Each press Ctrl+shift + space is to add a code.
Code is simple, but its effect is very big also. In the webpage when we skip a line or a few lines of code to help you on this. To learn the HTML language friend know < p > < / P > tag is used to mark a paragraph. If an optical write < p > < / P > this code is it right? It can generate empty? It is invalid. Must be in the < p > tag to increase";" code. < p > < / P > code like this will have a blank line effect. Here the markers are also played occupy position effect. In addition if you use Dreamweaver generate a table, view the source code will be found. Cell the < td > tag is the tag < td > < / TD >. If you take these tag removed, will find that all the cells of all crowded together. Impossible to fill in the content must drop frame can not be.
But more beautiful style is available through the CSS control to achieve a simple, after finding time to summarize the CSS use skill.
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