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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00




LAS VEGAS- Jessie Vigil’s black–and-white car sports[v.炫耀]a red-and- blue emergency bar across the top and the word “police” painted on the doors. Vigil,

However, isn’t a cop[差人]. Law enforcement[施行]agencies say what he’s done with his car isn’t illegal as long as he doesn’t act like a police officer.

He said he called the district attorney’s office beforehand[事后]惨然spoke to Chief Deputy District Attorney Joe Ulibarri, who tried to discourage his decorating scheme but couldn’t find anything in the law that would stop Vigil as long as he didn’t impersonate[假扮] an officer.

A close look shows Vigil’s car isn’t a police cruiser. Instead of telling people

to dial 911 for emergencies, the car advises them to “dial 411 for theater information.” He originally marked his car” “Transformers police” but later changed it to justpolice.” he also added what appears to be a bar of emergency

lights, but said they’re not actual lights.

   Vigil acknowledged[承认]people have mixed feelings about his car. Actually people around town know who he is, but not those people on the interstate[洲际的].

   拉斯维加斯—Jessie Vigil在对私家车涂鸦时,发扬了丰裕想象力,将外貌涂成利弊相间的油漆,车顶装有红蓝相间的“警灯 ”,还在车门上赫然写着“差人”这个单词。而到底上,这位Vigil根柢是不是差人。针对Vigil改装私家车的这种做法,执法机构浮现:只需他自己不混充差人,这一改装的做法并未违犯相干执法。

   他说他在末尾入手之前打过德律风给本地的查察官Joe Ulibarri, 而这位查察官也试图奉劝其连结这个设法。可是他并不克不迭供给一些执法依照,以阐明 Vigil的这种做法守法,条件是他自己不混充差人。



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