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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00

 Hello, excuse me… I'm sorry, I don't mean to interrupt…um, I just wanted to introduce myself, um, I'm Bob Reddington from Reddington Papers. 

    你好,请问…… 不好意思,我不是有意要打扰……恩,我只是想做个自我介绍,恩,我是Bob Reddington来自雷丁顿潘帕斯。 

   Jackie: He starts off with a simple greeting: 'Hello…' he then apologies for coming up to her while she is speaking to someone else. 


    Hello, excuse me… I'm sorry, I don't mean to interrupt… 

    你好,请问…… 不好意思,我不是有意要打扰。 

    Jackie: After he's apologised for interrupting, he goes on to tell her who he is. 


    I just wanted to introduce myself, um, I'm Bob Reddington from Reddington Papers. 

    我只是想做自我介绍,恩,我是 Bob Reddington,来自雷丁顿潘帕斯。 

    Jackie: So you can say, 'I just wanted to introduce myself…' or I like to introduce myself…' followed by your name and in business contexts, often what you do. 'I'd like to introduce myself…' I'm Jackie, I'm a producer for the BBC. What does Mary say in response to Bob? 

    Jackie:因此,你可以说,'I just wanted to introduce myself…'或者I like to introduce myself…'接着说你的名字,在商务场合,还要介绍职位。 'I'd like to introduce myself…'我是Jackie,我是BBC的制作人。 Mary是怎么回答Bob的呢? 

    Hello, excuse me… I'm sorry, I don't mean to interrupt…I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Bob Reddington from Reddington Papers. Oh, hello, nice to meet you. I don't believe we've met before. 

    你好,请问…… 不好意思,我不是有意要打扰。我只是想做自我介绍。 我是 Bob Reddington来自雷丁顿潘帕斯 你好,很高兴见到你。 我们之前没有见过吧。 

    Jackie: 'Nice to meet you,' she says - a very common response when you meet someone for the first time. You could also say 'Pleased to meet you.' She follows it with. 'I don't believe we've met before.' That's a polite way of acknowledging that you're meeting someone for the first time - or even checking that you haven't met them before, in case you can't remember。 Oh, hello, nice to meet you. I don't believe we've met before. Um, no we haven't. I have seen you from afar at a- I think it was one of Charles's pool parties. 

    Jackie:'Nice to meet you,'她说——这是一个大家和某个人第一次见面时常用的表达。 你也可以说,'Pleased to meet you.' 她接着说, 'I don't believe we've met before.' 这种表达很礼貌,告知了对方这是彼此首次见面,(这句话)也可以起到验证的作用(也许见过,但是你不记得了)。 你好,很高兴认识你。 我们之前没有见过吧。 恩,没有啊。 我很久以前见过你……好像是在Charles的泳池派对。 

    Jackie: Now we'll hear a conversation between Mr Jones and Miss Smith. Mr Jones is the director of a company. Miss Smith is an employee. She knows who he is, but he hasn't met her yet. Listen to how she introduces herself. 

    Jackie:现在我们将听到Jones先生和Smith小姐之间的对话。 Jones先生是公司的负责人。 Smith小姐是员工。 她知道他是谁,但是他还没有见过她。 听听她是怎么自我介绍的。 

    Uh, good evening, um, Mr Jones, isn't it? That's right, yes, hello. Hi, it's a lovely party you've put on here. Oh, well, glad you're enjoying it! I don't think we've actually met formally yet. No, no I don't think we have. My name's Miss Smith and I work in accounts. 

    晚上好,恩,Jones先生,对吧? 对的,你好。 你好,今天的派对很棒啊。 你喜欢,我感到很荣幸! 我们之前没有正式见过面吧。 没有。 我叫Smith,在会计部工作。 

    Jackie: She says, 'I don't think we'温馨提示:为不影响您的学业,来校区前请先电话咨询,方便我校安排相关的专业老师为您解答
