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“Oops”! is an exclamation[叹词]usually used when speaker realizes that he or she has made mistakes and tries to pacify[安抚]the embarrassment[尴尬].For example ,  you could say “Oops! I forgot to call you yesterday. “If you promised to call your friend but you failed.



“Boo-hoo!” imitates[模仿]the sound of crying with sarcasm[挖苦,讽刺],often used when one fights with another. E.g., in the popular American telecine[电视(传送)电影]High School Musical, you may happen to know this line “Boo-hoo! He’ll be in the show.”


Blah blah blah...

“Blah blah blah...”usually refers to what can be omitted[省略]in the conversation or show sarcasm to somebody who has talked too much. For example, we may complain by saying “My mom said that it would rain and we shouldn’t go fishing blah blah blah …You know , as always.”


Tick Tock..

“Tick Tock..” imitates the sound of clocks, often used to warn others of the litter time left. E.g.,” Life is short. Tick tock, tick tock.”



“Ewwww...”is an exclamation showing sickness[恶心],usually used by girls. For example, in the popular American soap opera Bones, you may happen to know the line “Can I, as the only normal person in this room, say, ‘E w’?”



“Shush!” is often used to ask others to keep quiet. But it is not only a onomatopoeia[象声词].It can be used to describe the action of “keep quit”. For example, in the popular British soap opera Robin Hood, you may happen to know the line “I will not be shushed, these migh be my last words.”



“Tick Tock..” imitates …”life is short. Tick tock ,tick tock ”“tick tock…”模仿时钟的滴答声。常在警告别人剩余的时间不多了的时候用。例如,“人生短暂,光阴试箭啊。”

I will not beshushed, these might be my last words.”



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