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全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00

Anybody can post information on the Internet, so most of what we can read on the Internet is innaccurate. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


引出话题: With BBS, Weblog, Microblog, etc, we common people have had unprecedented chances of transmitting information to the general public. However, as one of the results, information online has gradually lost its authority.

Body 1: 在互联网上发布信息的普通人的确缺乏传统媒体的权威性。
Those who doubt the accuracy of online information may be comparing the power of common people with traditional media in terms of information transmission. It is true that common people have neither advanced equipments nor professional knowledge to find out and reveal the truth. What is more, common people do not have to take so many responsibilities as traditional media do for guaranteeing the authenticity of information. As a result, information online tend to be more personalized biased.

Body 2:反驳:这并不意味着互联网上的信息都是innaccurate的
However, that is not enough to deny the accuracy of most of the information online.(传统媒体及权威人士也在网上发布信息) For one thing, traditional media, as well as some so called authorities, have also turned to the Internet, regarding it as an efficient channel for information transmission. (例证)To illustrate, nearly all the traditional media worldwide have their own websites which are updated together with the relavant media, and numerous celebrities have used their blogs or personal websites to publicize their recent news or latest findings. (网络事实上为人们提供了一个更全面了解事实真相的平台)For another, the Internet, allowing everybody to make their ideas known to the public, has indeed provided people with the possibility of getting a thorough understanding of certain issues. As is known to all, traditional media, although claiming to base their report on truth, tend to conceal part of the truth for their sponsors, whether it be of government or financial groups. As a result, the general public would only get part of the truth provided that they rely totally on traditional media. By contrast, people on contradicting sides have equal power to express their own opinions, leaving it to the general public to judge by themselves.
To draw a conclusion, the Internet has provided people with the convenience of both getting and publicizing information. Provided that people stay level-headed, the Internet could be as reliable as traditional media.

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