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朗阁海外考试研究中心  诸瑞琪
举例法主要用于通过摆事实引用数据等对论点加以说明,从而增加论证的说服力,同时也是增加段落字数的一种简单的方法。目前的大作文若一个例子都不举的话是很难得到高分的,而且单纯的说理会使得文章显得很,举例子既是一种知识面的展示,更是写作功底的体现。我们在使用举例法时常用的连接词有:for example, for instance, such as, namely, take something for example, etc, 有时候我们还可以用一些句子来拖例子,比如This is true given the example of … ; 还能用一些副词来接续后面的例子,比如indeed, today, nowadays…等。但是目前比较主流的举例子是用宾语从句引导,比如A recent survey shows that…。以下我们来剖析一下举例法的实际应用。
1.    Secondly, air transport is the biggest environment killer. A recent survey conducted by Chicago University shows that the plane air pollution is at least three times as the vehicle. With the increase of greenhouse effect, shouldn’t we improve our environment protection concept?
2.    Firstly, the traffic jam caused by the increasing number of cars is a nightmare for all drivers. A recent survey reveals that Beijing citizens spend averagely about 65 minutes on road every day. Billions of dollars are being wasted on the road in many big cities all over the world, such as London, New York, Paris and Tokyo, but we could do nothing to change it till now.
The Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution says bits of the country, notably southeast England, are under pressure on waste and water use. But simply aiming to reduce population size will have little impact, it says. This is the final report from the 40-year-old commission, which is being abolished under spending cuts. It is two-year investigation looked at issues such as water supplies, waste, urban pollution and wildlife.
The report, Demographic Change and the Environment, concludes thatincreasing consumption, the concentration of population in areas that are ill-equipped to supply its needs, and the trend towards single-person households - which increases energy demand - all matter more than the simple size of the UK's population.
3.    This is sometimes true given the examples of many gifted athletes who failed to win the finals, such as the football team of the Netherlands which was always regarded as the expected winner of the World Cup but often disappointed the world in the end. Lack team spirit and cohesion lead to the frequent failure of their games.
4.    However, there are significant social, economic, and environmental drawbacks gained by purchasing imported food products. Examples of proposed environmental downsides include increased packaging, increased impact of transportation, higher livestock densities, etc.