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1. 社会生活类
SkipThe poor tend to smoke more and skip breakfast, two factors which have major stress effects on the body.
Better ofPeople of the lower end of the social economic status have stress levels in their bodies that worth 3 times higher than those who are better off.
ReputationContrary to fears about the violent reputation of some games, there is no firm proof that playing them has a negative impact on children's behavior.
Contribution: Video games have a positive contribution for education.
Tough: The findings are likely to surprise supporters of tougher regulation of computer games.
Midlife reviewPeople need opportunities to make a "midlife review" to adjust to the later stages of employed life, and to plan for the transition to retirement.
UpdateOthers can do voluntary work more effectively if they canupdate their skills and knowledge.
2. 科技、媒体类
AccessInnovative technology has transformed how we access and share information, changed the way businesses and institutions operate, and made the world smaller by giving us instant access to people and resources everywhere.
FarewellFarewell to the out-of-date guidebook and the grubby newspaper.
-likeA paper-like device that can store hundreds of novels, update the news while you browse the headlines.
Screen: Young people today enjoy more and more digital connections, more screen time than ever before.
Come a long wayTrains have come a long way from their grim beginnings.
DrivingNew technological products will be the driving force to make work and life easi